SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.549
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 549

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 549
BID: $OPDX.549
February 11, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, N1IBM, NC1L, K2KQ, K2SX, KD2DL, KF2HC, W3LEO,
W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, W4PJI, W4ZYT, WB4PVT, W5UE,
WH7Y, K8YSE, KU9C, ARRL Letter, CE6TBN, DJ4ZB, DL1EK & DX News Letter,
and ZS4BS for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 3/February, through Sunday, 10/February there were 242
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3C, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A4, A5, A6,
A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX,
D2, D4, DL, DU, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
H4, HA, HB, HC, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6,
J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4,
PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9,
T2, T30, T31, T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TI9, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT,
TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N,
VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/g, VP8/h, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU,
XW, XX9, XZ, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4,
ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

5U, NIGER. The Italian team is now active through February 18th. Callsigns
seen so far are: 5U6W (6m station), 5U1A, 5U4R and 5U8B. Activity is expected
to be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. QSL via I2YSB. For more details,
check the Web page at:

7Q, MALAWI. Harry, G0JUM, is expected to be active as 7Q7HB around February
17th. The length of his stay and bands/modes of operations are unknown at
this time. QSL via G0IAS.

C6, BAHAMAS. Mike/WA2VUN and Gene/K2KJI will be heading for the Grand
Bahamas on Monday, February 11th. They are expected to have two stations
active and set up in two separate condos. Mike will operate as C6AJF and
Gene as C6ALC. This will be a family vacation, so operating time will be
limited. Simple wire antennas will be used, and Mike will have a go at
it on 6 meters with a 6 meter dipole. QSL via home calls direct or via
the bureau.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports: "3V8GI (Tunisia) has
been on hold awaiting supporting documentation. This has been received, and
upon review, it is now being accepted for DXCC credit. Anyone who had this
rejected during a recent submission can contact DXCC at  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
for an update to their record. Or, it can be sent with the next submission
for credit."

EA8, CANARY ISLANDS. Axel, DL5SDK, will be active as EA8/DL5SDK, March
17-22nd. Activity will be on 14300, 21350 and 28400 kHz using only a
100 watts into a 3 element tri-band beam. QSL via the bureau.

EP, IRAN (Update to OPDX.547). Ghis, ON5NT, informs OPDX that he talked
to EP3UN on 20m SSB (February 10th, 1600z ). This is Stig, LA7JO, who
just got his own callsign. Stig has operated recently on CW from EP3PTT.
EP3PTT (CW QSOs by Stig) and EP3UN are QSLed via LA7JO. Stig will be out
of the country in about 2 days for a five weeks mission. He should be
back in Teheran by the end of March and will stay for another 3 months.
Stig said he would be active as much as possible on different bands with
his new callsign when he gets back.

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE (Update). Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG, currently active
as H44LB and H44ZG, will be active as H40T from Temotu starting around the
11th of February until the 2nd of March. Also, Stefan, DL2GAC, will be
joining their group now. QSL for this activity will go via DL7AFS. For
any up-to-date news, watch their home page at:
QSL to DL7AFS via the DARC or direct to: Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86,
D-34123 Kassel, Germany. Remember, that 2 USD or 1 (new IRC) is needed
for airmail postage!

IOTA NEWS...............
   AS-049.  Look for JO1EPY/6 on Tokara Archipelago, from March 9-11th.
            Activity is expected on 10-40 meters CW and SSB. Look for him
            on the normal IOTA frequencies.  QSL via their home calls
            either direct or via the bureau.

   EU-016.  Ivan, ZS6IL (formerly ZS6ILU), will be active from the Islands
            of Brac (IOCA-010) and Hvar (IOCA-028) between around February
            10th through early March. He will operate SSB and possibly RTTY
            and PSK31 as well.

   NA-213.  Several members of the Magnolia DX Association will once again
            activate Dauphin Island, AL (U.S. Islands AL-002S). They plan
            to be active around 2200z Friday, March 8th, until Monday, March
            11th. They have been issued a special event callsign W4D for
            the trip. Their activity will be around the clock on all bands
            and modes. However, they plan a special emphasis on RTTY and
            the WARC bands since there has not been as much of this type
            of activity from the island. QSL via W5UE CBA or bureau. For
            more details, check the MDXA Web site at:

   SA-002.  Less, GM3ITN, member of the Diamond DX Club, will be on the
            Falklands Islands around June 15th. He will be active as
            VP8ITN from Saunders Island in the West Falklands Islands
            for about 1 week. QSL via GM3ITN: Less Hamilton, Halls Land
            Hardgate, Clydebank, GLASGOW G81 6NR, SCOTLAND - U.K. His
            Web site is at:

   SA-019.  UPDATE to OPDX.548! The team of PT2GTI, PT2HF and PP2RON going
            to Archipelago de Abrolhos (DIB: 12, DFB: BA-14, WLH: LH-0463)
            between February 16-22nd, will now use the callsign PW6AI (not
            PY0AI as first reported). Activity will be on 80-6 meters on
            the following frequencies:
              SSB - 50105, 28460, 21260, 14260, 7055 and 3755 kHz
              CW  - 50105, 28040, 21040, 14040, 7025 and 3530 kHz.
            QSL via PT2GTI: Roberto F. Stuckert,  QI 07, Conj. 12, Casa 14,
            71515-120, Brasilia-DF, Brasil

   SA-070.  Juan Pablo, CE4USW, one of the XR5SM  team, reports that again
            they will be on Santa Maria Island during February. If you
            need it, send an E-mail to him at:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            Web site at:

   SA-080.  BAD NEWS! Mark, CE6TBN, informs OPDX that the Chilean Park
            Administration will close the National Park "Damas Island"
            on February 28th. They usually close the island down every
            year on March 15th, but this year they changed the date. Mark
            states he is VERY angry with them. However, he will go to
            southern Chile and will be on the air activating several IOTAs
            (No dates or location yet).

J7, GRENADA. Don, K2KQ, will be active as J37ZA between February 10-20th.
He will be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single Op/All Band/High
Power entry.

DX community that JM1KNI/JD1 has been operating from Ogasawara, and as far
as he is aware, there are no active hams on Minami Torishima (another JD1)
presently. Minami Torishima is a restricted area only for the Meteorological
Agency and the Self-Defense Force. He states, "So we just have to wait for
some hams related to those two organiztions to land on the island. Let's
keep our fingures crossed!"

KG4, GUANTANAMO BAY. Don, W4ZYT, informs OPDX that as of now, the planned
Guantanamo Bay operation by the Virginia DX Century Club appears to be a
go. They will be there from February 12-20th, and should be operational
February 12-19th, with participation in the ARRL CW DX Contest. Activity
will be on all bands and modes, including PSK-31. The operators are:
Don W4ZYT/KG4ZK, O.B. W4SD/KG4SD, Chuck N8CH/KG4NW, Gordon KU4EC/KG4EC,
and Chet N6ZO/KG4??. They will use the VaDXCC Club Callsign KG4DZ in the
contest. Please QSL via the individual stations. QSL KG4DZ via W4SD.
Bureau cards are fine, but should go via the individual operator's HOME
CALL BUREAU as there is no longer a KG4 Bureau.

KH4, MIDWAY ISLAND (Another Cancelled Op). Rudi/DL7VFR and Tom/DL2RUM
have announced that their planned trip to Midway in March is now cancelled
once again. This is due to the reason mentioned in last week's bulletin
that all scheduled flights to and from the island have been cancelled. This
means that the island is "out of range" for low budget operation and
individuals need to charter their own ship/aircraft now. DL2RUM will try
to go to ZK2 during that time, DL7VFR might stay on KH6.

MM0, SCOTLAND. Leo, W3LEO, will once again be active from Portpatrick in
southwest Scotland from about February 25th through March 28th. His callsign
will be MM0LEO, and he plans to be in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest.
He will use an Icom 706 (100 watts]), an R-5 vertical [10, 12, 15, 17, 20
meters], and a 40-meter dipole [in inverted-V configuration]. QSL via W3LEO.
Reference Numbers are: Grid Square - IO-74ku; Worked All Britain [WAB]
Square - NW-95; CQ Zone - 14; ITU Zone - 27 and IOTA - EU-005 [Great
Britain]. LEO'S ADDED NOTES: The nearby pub is only about 35 or so steps
from the front door of the cottage. Some URLs to check:
   Moir Cottage [MM0LEO's QTH]:
   Harbour House [the pub's location]:

NEW CLUB OFFICERS...............
  * The Order of Boiled Owls of New York, a DX/Contesting club in the New
    York City metropolitan area, is pleased to announce the following club
    officers for 2002:
       President:  Tony Japha, N2UN
       Vice President: Les Kalmus, W2LK
       Secretary:  Dennis McAlpine, K2SX
       Treasurer:  Andy Bodony, K2LE
       Activities Manager:  Larry Amodeo, W2AX
    If you would like any additional information, please contact:
    Dennis McAlpine, K2SX, (914)-472-0745; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
    12 Ridgecrest East, Scarsdale, NY  10583

  * The South Florida DX Association (SFDXA) announces its officers for
    2002. They are:
          President:      W2CQ, Bill Marx
          Vice President: W4DTA, Steve Romagni
          Secretary:      W4PJI, Richard 'Gil' Gillingham
          Treasurer:      K4WJ, John Bohnovic
          Board of Directors:
                          W4UM, Mike Raskin
                          W4QN, Norm Alexander
                          W4BP, Ron Swanson
                          W4DN, Dave Novoa, Past President
    The election results were announced at the 42nd Miami Tropical
    Hamboree, SFDXA DX Forum.

P5, NORTH KOREA. According to the KK5DO Web site, Ed, P5/4F4LN, will be off
the air for approximately 2 weeks while on an inspection tour of the World
Food Program field offices. For updates, stay to tuned to the Web page:

PIRATE ALERT. Dennis, ZS4BS, informs OPDX that all contacts with 7Q8/ZS6GH
and C9/ZS6GH are null and void. No licences were issued for these

PJ2, NETHERLAND ANTILLES. Look for operators Geoff/W0CG, Elmer/W8AV,
Tom/W8TK, Noel/W9EFL, Stephen/N8LGP and Anthony/N7BG to be active as
PJ2/homecall from  Curacao, February 12-19th. QSL via their home callsign.
They will also participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as PJ2T. QSL via

PJ7, ST. MAARTEN. Brian, KD2DL, will be active as PJ7/KD2DL from the Dutch
side of St. Maarten, March 2-9th. Activity will be on 17 meters CW centered
around 18080 kHz. He will be using QRP equipment from the ARRL's W1FB QRP
classic designs and the RAM's (K9LY/KB9II) QRP club project. QSL to his
home callsign.

PW0, TRINDADE. Just a quick reminder that next week the Araucaria DX
Group, with unprecedented cooperation from the Brazilian authorities and
Navy, will sponsor a major DXpedition to Trindade and Martin Vaz
Archipelago, February 18th through March 2nd. Trindade and Martin Vaz
Archipelago currently appears near the top of the "Most Wanted" lists.
Operations on 160 through 6 meters, including the WARC bands, will include
RTTY, PSK31, and SSTV.  Amateur satellite activity is uncertain at this time.
Special planning will insure that the low bands and 6 meters are activated
with appropriate antennas and experienced operators dedicated to beating the
challenges these bands offer. Additional details regarding the DXpedition
will be reported next week, or go their official website at:
The team received very short notice of the departure date, therefore,
intense preparations are underway. The group anticipates total expenses
in the area of 20,000 USD and is still looking financial support and
contributions which can be sent via mail to: Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV,
4357 Appollonio Way Carson City, NV 89704

QSL INFO AND NEWS...........
   Christian, DL6KAC, reports that QSL cards for the activation of the
   Helios Tower (FED-107) in Cologne (ILLW 2001 / DN2EI, DN1KAV, DL0OV)
   are expected from the printer at the end of February. There were
   several delays, and he apologizes for that. When the cards arrive,
   all direct cards will be answered immediately. All other cards go
   via the bureau.

    Activity by AN9NA in the CQ WW WPX RTTY from Rockie should be
    QSLed via the QSL Manager EA9CD: Jose Antonio Rios Mendez,
    P. Box: 2078, CP:51080 CEUTA (Spain).

   Alain, F6BFH, reports he received a very quick turn around from AI3D
   for a KC4/N3SIG (AN-011) QSL.

   Romeo, UN5PR/UP5P, informs OPDX that as of February 1st the old type
   of IRC will NOT be accepted in Kazakhstan. Please send ONLY NEW type
   of IRCs to Kazakhstan. Romeo states he can`t exchange the old IRC at
   his post office.

SPECIAL EVENT (Winter Olympics). The West Desert Amateur Radio Club will
sponsor special event station W7U to commemorate the 2002 Winter Olympics
Games in Salt Lake City, Utah. Look for W7U to be on the air now through
February 24th. Suggested frequencies are on or around: 3768, 14250, 21300
and 28400 kHz. QSL to W7EO: PO Box 98, Grantsville, UT 84029.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for members of the Eastern and Mountain District
Radio Club to activate special event station VI3GP from Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, between the period of 0001z on February 26th until
2359z on March 15th. The station is being activated to commemorate the
running of the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix in Melbourne. QSL direct
via VK3ER at P.O. Box 87, MITCHAM VICTORIA 3132, or via bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT. The Midlands Amateur Radio Club will be operating another
in the series of special event stations during the weekend of the 3rd, 4th
and 5th of May to commemorate the roles played by the British, Boers and
brave Zulus during the "Anglo Boer South African War of 1899-1902". The
callsign will be ZS100ABW. Two separate stations will be operating (mainly
on phone) from Lancaster Hill, Vryheid in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, from
approximately 1600 (h) on the Friday and closing down early on the Sunday
morning when a "Remembrance Service" will be held in recognition of those
who lost their lives in the "Battle of Holkrans". The preferred bands will
be 40 and 20 meters with 80 meters during the evenings depending on
prevailing conditions. All contacts will be acknowledged with an attractive
QSL card. Please QSL either via the Bureau or to Midlands Amateur Radio
Club, PO Box 100220, Scottsville, 3209, South Africa direct. They will
also be operating a final station from Spioenkop - scene of one of the
bloodiest battles fought to relieve Ladysmith - on 31st May. Any queries
can be directed to Willie Axford, ZS5WI by E-mail to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or by telephone to 035 - 4744667.  Alternatively, you can write to either
Errol Wilson or the Chairman at the above address. For more information
of a historical nature, E-mail Sean Friend at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TI9, COCOS ISLAND. Just a reminder that the TI9M DXpedition will begin
next weekend (February 17th through March 4th). Rob, N4CD, informs OPDX
that everything is a go. The DXpedition team includes: TI2HMG, AD6E, AK0A,
and IZ7ATN. Activity will be on 160-6 meters including the WARC bands on
CW/SSB/RTTY. Five stations will be operating from a location in the Chatham
Bay area. One of the five stations will be dedicated for RTTY operation
and another for 6 meters. QSL via AK0A: Bill Boeckenhaupt, 8904 Westbrooke
Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212, USA). Updates and details can be found on
their Web site at:  

V7, MARSHALL ISLAND. Look for Jim, W7UG, to be active this week as V73UG
from Kwajalein. He is expected to be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 16-17th). Before the contest (February 11-15th), he will
concentrate on the WARC bands. QSL via home callsign.

VK9M, MELLISH REEF (Update). According to a press release on February 5th,
the international team of operators included G4EDG, JH7OHF, JJ1LIB, JP1TRJ,
K3NA, VK4DH, VK4GL, VK4WR, VK4APG and ZL4PO. The DXpedition is set to take
place April 12-22nd. They will have 5 stations operating on all bands
160-6 meters (including WARC) on CW, SSB and some RTTY. A station and an
operator (VK4APG) will be dedicated on 6 meters. They would like to
acknowledge Yaesu, The Chiltern DX Club, 5 Star DXers Association, BT Exact
Technologies and PCA.AA in helping activate Mellish Reef. Visit the VK9ML
website at:      


XE, MEXICO. Lothar, DJ4ZB, will be active from Puebla as XE1/DJ4ZB from
February 12-28th. No details on bands/modes of operation were provided.

YA, AFGHANISTAN (YA5T Update). Robert, S53R, reports: "YA5T is back on
the air since 30th of January, running only 100W and R7 vertical. 80 and
160 will be very difficult due to space restrictions, but we will try to
do something. We also face problems on 30m band, with extremely nasty
local noise. Due to heavy workload only evenings (after 1300 or 1400 zulu)
are suitable for us. Now that we are 2 here (S53R and ON4WW) we may find
some more time even during the night times. Pile-ups are huge. So far some
4000 CW-only QSOs were made. Mostly EU, some JA and just a few hundred US.
E U R O P E !!! Please give a chance to US guys. When we say US only,
please do not break in. Path from US to YA is extremely difficult, openings
short and signals marginal. All EU guys stand a very good chance of working
us, but for Ws, things are much different, and the more we go into spring
the harder it will be for them. Once again-show a great deal of ham-spirit
and let them work us too! There were quite a few slims heard during the
past week. To make sure you can check if you are in the log, we will try
and make arrangements to put the logs on the web. Be patient."

YZ, YUGOSLAVIA. Members of the Radio Club in Novi Beograd, "Radio Sekcija
Kozara", YU1AAV, will be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest as YZ1V as a
Multi Op/All Bands/Single Transmitter entry. Operators will be: YZ1ZV,
YT1HA and 4N1FAN. QSL via: RC "Novi Beograd", Radio Sekcija "Kozara",
Jurija Gagarina 210-p, YU-11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia, Yugoslavia. QSLs
via bureau are OK.

ZY0, ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS. Joaquim, PS7JN, is planning a new
DXpedition to Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, and he will be active
as ZY0SAT from February 23rd through March 10th (dates may change). As
of now, he confirms that he will only operate on SSB on the HF bands
(40/20/15/10m) with an ATLAS 210X (split mode listening 5 kHz up) using
only 10-50 watts into a dipole antenna. His activity will be limited to
his spare time because he is on a geological survey of the islets. He will
be going with 2 geology students to help in researches. His intent was
to operate on the satellite and digital modes (packet, RTTY, SSTV and
PSK31) but his equipment needs some repair (a notebook without floppy and
hard disk drive). Joaquim is looking for anyone who has a FDD, HDD and
a modem to donate to him on this DXpedition (and future op). QSL to PS7JN:
Joaquim das Virgens, Rua Carlos Serrano, 1969, CEP 59076-740 Natal-RN,

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