SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.550
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 550

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 550
BID: $OPDX.550
February 18, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, Steve Higley, KA2AEV, W2GR, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA
N0TG, ARRL Letter, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL3DXX, DL5EBE, DL6KAC, F5NQL
& UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, FM5GU, I0MWI, OZ6OM & OZ 50 MHz DX
Bulletin, PA3GIO, S53R, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE3NQK and VE3EXY for the following
DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 10/February, through Sunday, 17/February there were 242
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A3,
A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU,
GW, H4, H40, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ,
I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2,
KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM,
ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM,
SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T30, T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK,
TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU,
XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA,
ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3XY, GUINEA. Francois, VE2XO, will operate as 3XY6A from Conakry between
February 18-25th (possibly 26th) between 2200-0100z on 20 and/or 17 meters
on SSB and RTYY. Also, there maybe activity on February 27th, between
0800-1300z on 15 meters. Francois will also be active as 3XY8A from Los
Islands (AF-051) on February 23-24th; SSB only. Activity will depend on
power availability (he won't have a generator with him). He has been
informed that he should have power between 1700-0900z. This will be his
first RTTY operation, so please have patience.

5W, SAMOA. Remember to look for Michel/F6COW and Dominique/F6EPY to be
active from Upolu as 5W0MP (QSL via F6COW) and 5W0DA (QSL via F6EPY),
February 19-28th. Activity will be mostly on CW with an emphasis on Europe
on 80/40/30/17/12 meters). Please refer to OPDX.546, or go to their Web
site at: 

C6, BAHAMAS (IOTA Activity). Bill/K1CN and his wife Laurel/N1EBL are
expected to be signing C6AMM and C6AWW, respectively, now through March
2nd from Harbour Island (NA-001). QSL both callsigns via K1CN either
direct or through the bureau.

CARIBBEAN DXPEDITION. Bert, PA3GIO, will once again be on the move to
activate several islands during the month of March. His planned schedule
is as follows:

   FS  - From March 5-6th, look for Bert to sign FS/PA3GIO/m on St. Martin
         Island (NA-105). Activity will be on 20/17/15/12/10 meters SSB.
         QSL (preferably by the Bureau) to PA3GIO.

   PJ7 - From March 5-6th, look for Bert to sign PJ7/PA3GIO/m on St.
         Maarten Island (NA-105). Activity will be on 20/17/15/12/10
         meters SSB. QSL (preferably by the Bureau) to PA3GIO.

   PJ6 - From March 7-14th, look for Bert to sign PJ6/PA3GIO/m or /p on
         Saba Island (NA-145). Activity will be on 40/20/17/15/12/10 meters
         SSB. QSL (preferably by the Bureau) to PA3GIO.

   HI9 - From March 15-21st, look for Bert to sign PA3GIO/HI9 from the
         Dominican Republic (NA-096). Activity will be on 80/40/20/17/
         15/12/10 meters SSB. QSL (preferably by the Bureau) to PA3GIO.

   FJ  - From March 22-28th, look for Bert to sign FJ/PA3GIO/m or /p
         on St. Barthelemy Island (NA-146). Activity will be on 80/40/20/
         17/15/12/10 meters SSB. QSL (preferably by the Bureau) to PA3GIO.

Bert has set up some Web pages for these operations and they can be
found on the following URL address:
         Web site:
         USA Mirror:
         Web site:
         USA Mirror:
         Web site:
         USA Mirror:
         Web site:
         USA Mirror:

ET, ETHIOPIA. Paul, W4PFM, will be here for 6 months and has just received
his callsign ET3PMW. He has been active on 10 and 15 meters the past week.
Watch around 28438 kHz after 1430z and on 21270 kHz (net) after 0700z.
QSL via W7KEU.

FG, GUADELOUPE. Henri, F5DBC, is expected to be active (callsign unknown)
now from Les Saintes (NA-114) until February 24th. Look for him during
his evenings on 20 meters on CW and SSB. QSL via F5DBC: Henri Civel,
Les Reaux de Saint Dolay, 56130 La Roche Bernard, France.

FM, MARTINIQUE. Jean Marc is expected to be active as FM/F5SGI from
February 19th through March 2nd. His activity will be on the HF bands
mostly on CW. He will also try to operate from FM5CW's and FM5FA's
stations. QSL via REF bureau or direct CBA.

FM, MARTINIQUE. Members of the "Pordenone Gangsters Group", Luke/IV3JVJ,
Max/IV3FHH, Andy/IV3BTY and Claudio/IV3OWC will be back in Martinique
for a DXing, contesting and also leisure trip. From March 24th to 29th,
they will operate as FM/homecall from the FM5GU station. They should have
a great signal and will concentrate on lower bands. Max will operate CW
only, while the others will mainly operate SSB with some CW and RTTY. The
QSL Manager for this operation is Daniele IV3TDM; use the call book address.
Then Dennis/FM5GU and Lucien/FM5WD will join them and the group will enter
the WPX SSB Contest as Multi-Single station. The callsign will be FM5GU,
and the QSL manager for FM5GU is Steve, KU9C, as usual. All details about
this operation, The Pordenone Gangsters and their schedule can be found
on the FM5GU's Web page at:

FRC 75TH ANNIVERSARY. Mike, KA2AEV/V26R, informs OPDX that the members
of the Frankford Radio Club (FRC) will celebrate their 75th annivserary
in 2002. To commemorate the occasion, the FRC is making available an award
to anyone who contacts 75 or more FRC members in contests during 2002. The
award is also available to SWLs. QSLs are not required. For more info on
this award, please check the FRC web site at:
ADDED NOTE: OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the press release as
an additional bulletin.

is proud to announce that Tom Christian, VP6TC, and leader of the upcoming
March 2002 Ducie Island Dxpedition, will be the DX luncheon speaker at
Ham-Com 2002 in Arlington, Texas, June 7-8th. Tom Christian, the great-
great-great-grandson of Fletcher Christian leader of the famous "Mutiny on
the Bounty" in 1789, is known as the voice of Pitcairn, the island's most
active ham radio operator. He is also president of the Pitcarin Island
Amateur Radio Association (PIARA). Tom will also have color slides and
video from the Ducie Island DXpedition scheduled for March 2002. ADDED
NOTE: OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the press release as an
additional bulletin.

HR3, HONDURAS. Operators Bob/KB0CY, Denny/KB9DPF and Lor/W3QA will be
active as HR3/KB0CY, HR3/KB9DPF and HR3/W3QA from February 16th through
March 3rd; when time allows while participating in a medical mission.
Operations will include CW, PSK31 and SSB on 40/20/15/10 meters. QSL to
their home callsigns.

K4PHY/YV5, etc...), has informed OPDX that he is now licensed as HS0ZDR.
However, his time for operating/QSLing will be limited because he will
be traveling to various overseas locations for the next 2 months. When
he is active he is in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He has unlimited access to
a 150 ft. ROOF and will be taking a 2 elemnet 21 MHz beam there either
next month or April. Presently, he is using a 7 MHz fishpole vertical
and worked a lot of stateside stations using the callsign HS0/N4CT in
the Oct/Dec timeframe. ADDED NOTE: Charlie is looking for a very reliable
stateside manager. His E-mail address is:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IOTA NEWS...................
   EU-004.  Christian, DL6KAC, will once again be active from EA6 (the
            Island of Mallorca, DIE: E-021) starting around March 8th
            (possibly the 9th - starting dates not yet clear) until
            March 24th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, mainly on
            SSB (CW Key is available). He will use 350 watts into dipoles
            for the high bands and an Inverted L for 40/80 meters. This
            will be a holiday style operation. QSL via DARC bureau or
            direct (

   SA-019.  PW6AI is currently active with an excellent signal from
            Abrolhos Island Lighthouse which is good for the World
            Lighthouse Award LH-0463. Watch the usual IOTA frequencies
            and QSL via PT2GTI. The team should be there until February

KG4, Guantanamo Bay. Bill, W4WX, a member of the Florida DXPedition Group,
will be active as KG4DX from GTMO from February 22-27th. This trip is
dedicated to 6 meters and PSK-31. QSL via W4WX.

KH1, BAKER ISLAND (DXpedition Update). Hrane, YT1AD, announced the crew
for the KH1 DXpedition to Baker Island is as follows:
    Hrane, YT1AD     Vlado, Z31FU (ZS6MG)     Dough, N6TQS
    Steva, YZ7AA     Roman, RZ3AA              Dave, KW4DA
     Miki, YU1AU      Igor, RA3AUU             Eric, K3NA
   Dragan, Z32AU    Krassy, KZ1LZ             and a USFW representative
     Mome, Z32ZM      Will, K6NDV
  The team will travel for 6 days on the "Princess II" via 3D2 and T2.
Their arrival on KH1 is expected on April 29th. A special 1 x 1 callsign
will be announced on April 29th. There will be 6 stations active in three
tents using IC-756 Pro II, 5 LPA (3 x ACOM 1000 and 2 x 400 W solid-state
amplifiers). They will have 7 beams, 3 dipoles, 3 verticals and 1 Beverage
for 80/160m. For power, they will use 3 generators (2 x 5kw and 1 x 3.5kw).
Activity will be on 160-10 meters as well as 6 and 2 meters. Modes will
be CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY, SSTV, FM, and satelite 28/144. Pilot stations will
be VE3EXY and YU1AA. The Web site will be edited by 4N1NM and 4N1FG.

KH5 INFO NEEDED. Steve Higley notified OPDX that he is putting together
a Web page on Jarvis Island (KH5J) at:
He is very interested in hearing about the past (April 1990) and future
DXpeditions to the island. Steve would like to get in touch with
individuals who have been on Jarvis broadcasting in the last ten years
and is trying to obtain first-hand accounts of the island's status,
interesting anecdotes and stories, as well as any recent photos. He can
be contacted at:
     Steve Higley, 6385 Georgetown Court, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 USA
    (719) 332-4772 -or- (1) 719-598-9054

LU, SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND. Claudio, the current operator at LU1ZA, which
is the club station callsign of "Base Naval Orcadas", will be going QRT
on March 11th. The supply vessel was expected to arrive at the end of
last week with a new crew and a new operator (Jose-Louis) who might be
active on the amateur bands again. QSLs for Claudio operations go via

P5, NORTH KOREA (Updates)...............
   * Nenad, VE3EXY, received the latest update from Hrane, YT1AD, on the
     upcoming P5 DXpedition. Hrane/YT1AD and Voja/YU7AV are ready for
     their departure to Pyongyang on March 5th. They will travel to P5
     using the following routes: Beograd-Moscow-Beijing-Pyong Yang.
     Their equipment will be as follows: TS-850, FT-100, LPA 400w,
     dipoles, dipoles 80/40m and a multiband beam for 20/17/15/12/10 meters
     (which is already in P5). No problems are expected at this point
     in time. QSL info and duration of stay to be announced.

   * Ed, 4L4FN/P5, was active this past weekend on 15 meters SSB during
     his usual times (between 2230-0300z). He has been testing some RTTY
     equipment and has made a few QSOs with it. The KK5DO Web site states
     "NO CW" yet. Also, Ed will pack everything up and will be gone for
     about a week. (Still no word on his written permission.)

PW0, TRINDADE ISLAND. By the time you read this, the PW0T operation should
be active. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, including the WARC bands,
using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31. QSL via KU9C. Check out the following
web page for up to the minute information and pictures at:
ADDED NOTES BY Steve, KU9C: Steve requests to WAIT until the operation is
QRT, and send all of your QSL requests in one envelope. If you need a
separate QSL for that 160 contact, let Steve know with a post-it note or
something. But, save yourself some postage, and don't send multiple
envelopes. Also, DO NOT request cards for other operations in the same
envelope (such as BQ9P, WP2Z,...etc). If you want a bureau card, simply
E-mail Steve your QSO information to:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DO NOT ask for a Bureau QSL if you have already requested a direct QSL
response. Steve states to look for a wait on the Bureau cards because he
mails bureau cards direct to each country's bureau once or twice a year.
He just finished his winter mailing.
  Donations will be deeply appreciated by the team, and can be sent with
your QSL request or directly to K7BV (see the web site for details). This
is not a low cost undertaking. Fuel alone for the trip out and back was
over $12,000....but they hope the lengthy stay will substantly diminish
the demand for this country.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   CT3EE, that operated in December during the ARRL 10m Contest by DK1BT
   and DL3DXX, should be QSLed to DL3DXX directly or via the DARC QSL
   bureau. This is a reliable way to get a CT3 card through the QSL
   bureau service.

   Gary, K8BN, reports that the K7UGA QSL cards are now at KC7V's QTH
   where they will begin their journey to the many corners of the globe.
   QSL cards were purchased from their friends at Franklin Printing,
   WZ8P, in Zanesville Ohio:

   Doug, W0AH, operated as V31AH and QRP in the 2002 ARRL DX CW Contest
   this past weekend. QSL is via W2GR direct via CBA or via the Bureau.

SILENT KEY. It has been reported that Jean Claude, TR8XX, F2XX, became a
silent key on February 11th. He had been an avid  DXer for a long time
both in France (F2XX) and Gabon (TR8XX). Many DXers worked Jean on CW
from several of his African DXpeditions. OPDX and its readers would
like to send out our deepest sympathy to his family and friends.

SPECIAL EVENT. Another Winter Olympics special event station is on the air.
Operator Ray Friess, WA7ITZ, in Salt Lake City, has been operating the
special event station WA7ITZ/W19OG to commemorate the 19th Winter Olympic
Games (W19OG). Look for activity to be on 160-10 meters near the lower
edge of the General phone bands. Some CW operation is possible. QSL to
WA7ITZ: 1801 Jennifer Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84116.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station, IR0MA, to be active during
the month of April to commemorate the 2755th birthday of Roma. This
station will be good for 5 points towards the "Natale di Roma Award".
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive details of this award as an
additional bulletin. Also, on April 21st, IR0MA will be active from the
Capitolium of Roma. QSL only direct to I0MWI via the CBA.

T48, CUBA. Don Fisher, VE3ESE, the radio club from the University of
Oriente and the No-Name DX Group, will be operating as T48RAC (unconfirmed
at this time) from Santiago de Cuba. They will be operating in the SSB
contest March 2-3rd. Also, look for CO9NLA to be active now through March
14th. QSL via Don's home callsign VE3ESE.

TI9, COCOS ISLAND. Despite opposition by "Radio Club of Costa Rica", this
operation is a go. As this was being written, the Cocos Island 2002
DXpedition Team was gathering in Costa Rica and hoped to depart from
Puntarenas on Sunday, February 17th, with arrival at the operating location
approximately 48 hours later. The official radio licenses for all 15
participants, as well as the landing and park permits, have been issued
by the Costa Rican authorities. Reports indicate that the multi-national
team was re-issued the callsign TI9M by the Control National Radio (CNR)
and the licensing authority has revised the license to be used by all
team members. The DXpedition founder and leader, Henry Grunbeck, TI2HMG
(TI9M), has assembled an international team of world-class operators for
this rare trip. The world's largest uninhabited island, Cocos is a popular
destination for scuba divers, but it hasn't been activated on amateur radio
for more than five years. Although Cocos Island is territorially part of
Costa Rica, it is a separate DXCC country with the prefix TI9. Because
Cocos is a nature preserve, the DXpedition visitors will be required to
sleep aboard their ship, a 90-foot fishing/diving vessel anchored 1000
feet offshore; there is no overnight camping allowed on the island. DXing
is not exactly camping, however, and the team anticipates 24-hour operations
with four HF transmitters on all bands from 160-6 meters. Due to the
logistics involved in the 350-mile crossing to Cocos Island, the team
can't pinpoint exactly when they'll be on the air. They estimate 40 to
48 hours of travel time, with a few additional hours to set up and become
operational once they reach the island. This part of the trip will be no
small feat: The island receives over 26 feet of rain per year - about an
inch a day - so the first priority is setting up shelter and protecting
the equipment from the elements. The final day of operations will be
March 2, 2002. To keep track of the DXpedition's progress, visit the Web
site at:          
The team will update the page as often as communication links allow.
Team members are: William Turney, WS4Y; Martino Rizzi, IK3RIY;
Alan Homer, KI7WO; Larry Strain, N7DF; Flo Moudar, F5CWU; Matt De La
Hunt, KA0KKO; Rob Snieder, PA5ET; Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP; Robert Voss, N4CD;
William Boeckenhaupt, AK0A; Alan Maenchen, AD6E; Richard Smith, N6KT;
Simon Gadaleta, IZ7ATN; Eugene Kuleshov, RK3AD; and Henry, TI2HMG
also TI9M.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS. Randy, N0TG, will be active as N0TG/VP5 from March
1-7th. Activity will be on all bands with emphasis on CW. QSL via his
home callsign.

will be active between February 24th and March 16th and then move onto
Ascension Island as ZD8CSA from March 16-26th. Activity will depend on
what time will allow, but look for him on 6 meters. QSL via DL1SDN. Mark
may be on St. Helena (ZD7) for a week (+/-) later this year also.

YA5T, AFGHANISTAN (Update). Robert, S53R/YA5T, informs OPDX that "YA5T has
been on the air now for over 2 weeks with over 10,000 Qs in the log (plus
over 2000 which Peter, ON6TT, made during his first visit). Recent activity
has mostly been on CW. We will try to dedicate some time to SSB too. Digital
modes are not planned now. However, if Peter comes here in the next weeks
he may bring the modem along and will give it a try. We are still very
much tied up with our work, but at least Fridays and Saturdays (weekend
here) we try to stay on the radio as much as possible. A small vertically
polarized antenna has been installed for 80/160. About 200 Qs were made
on 80, but we still have to hit 160. Next weekend Eid celebrations will
bring business life to a standstill here, so we will try to do more radio,
focusing on lower bands over night - however still work permitting. We
still are in emergency situation so there are basically no schedules for
us............ 73 de Robert, S53R/YA5T"

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