To all I caused QRM,
Bruce, KK5DO, emailed me last night and told me of the QRM I caused on 21.225. I have sent apologies to both Bruce and Stuart WA2MOE and have asked both to pass it on to P5/4L4FN and the guys on Ducie.
Like I told both Bruce and Stuart, this isn't an excuse it's only an explanation saying my actions weren't intentional or meant to cause malice.
I was trying to work the XR0X on 21.215 about 23:15Z last night. I thought he said he was listening up 5 - 15. The automatic split on my rig was set at 10kc. From Bruce I learned that actually I was creating QRM on 21.225 that caused a sked between P5/4L4FN and VP6DI not to occur. I feel terrible about that and words can't express how sorry I am to both of those stations and any other station that suffered from my poor operating practice.
Pete N2LM   

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