K7K was used in late September/early October 1997 from Kure.

Any time later than that would have been for a special event station in the

Try this web site:


K7K has been issued about a dozen times. There was an operation in July 98 but
not July 99 (at least not listed).

--- John C Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe:
> Kure Is is a difficult one to figure out. The last op that I am aware of
> is by KH7K/N4BQW in 5/97. Ther was another op in 6/92. I think the call
> would have to be KH7/homecall to be legit. It is a nature preserve and
> damn near impossible to get permission to go to. I understand that the
> restrictions have gotten worse over time. If it were easier to get
> permission, I am sure others would have gone there in more recent times.
> If someone is going there, it would be announced to the DX world as it is
> has been creaping towards the top of the needed llist. It would likely
> have to be someone with political pull or someone who can do other
> scientific research as part of their visit.  Drop Ed Hartz (ZL4IR) a line
> and ask him. He is always looking for a new place to do scientific
> research on marine mammals, and has done ZL7, ZL8, ZL9, FO0, FK8, VK8,
> VK9, ZK1, 3D2, 5W and a few others in the process of doing his work.  His
> QSL manager W8WC can tell you how to get in touch with him. 
> John Owens -  N7SEJ
> On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 11:50:34 -0500 Joe Stepansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > I worked (or thought I worked) K7K (Kure?) on July 24, 1999.  But I 
> > haven't 
> > been able to receive a QSL, even using the managers in QRZ.com.  
> > KE7LZ said 
> > it wasn't his.  K4YE said it wasn't his.  AH0C said it wasn't his.
> > 
> > Did I work a phantom, or a slim??  Did anyone work K7K around that 
> > date and 
> > get a card?  If so, do you remember how?  Thanks!

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
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