Hi to everybody,
As we told you in a past e-mail, many people is asking if we have already received their direct QSL card request. So  we have finally decided to introduce a list of all the QSL cards received directly. It's a list orderd alphabetically. And you can check it at:
This list includes all the QSL cards received till 30th June 2002.  We'll try to update it every weekend with all the QSL cards received during the week
About the QSL card,  you'll be also able to see a picture of how it's going to be. The QSL is already in the printer and we hope to be able to start confirming very soon. It's a full colour, double sized QSL card. Hope you like it!!!
Best 73 to all of you
Josep, EA3BT
Nuria, EA3WL

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