I'm back from Dassen Island after a great weekend of penguins, tortoises,
seabirds and cw! I   started slightly later than expected at 1722 UTC on 16
August and operated until 1330 UTC on  18 August. Propagation was somewhat
disappointing, especially to North America, but I  nevertheless managed 406
contacts, almost all on CW. I've put a couple of pictures on my web  site
www.qsl.net/zs1an - more to follow when I have a moment.

The relevant "numbers" are: IOTA AF-064, ARLHS SAF-042 and World Lighthouse
Award LH-0423.

This was my first experience of DXpedition operating after having had my
license for exactly  one year and I would like to thank all the operators
who waitied patiently while I struggled  to identify callsigns in the
pileups, and who corrected me when I made mistakes. My thanks  to you all
and my appologies to those of you who did not get through.

The courtesy of Japanese operators was especially noteworthy. While working
pileups to  Japan, when I started sending all the stations would stop
transmitting and wait until I had  finished my QSO before calling again.
That's vy FB operating!

One of the mistakes I made, especially on the first day, was not to give my
call sign often  enough. So if you contacted an unknown DX station on 21026
or 14026 KHz between 1720 and  2000 UTC on 16 August, it was probably me! If
you send me an email with the time and  frequency I will check whether you
are in my log.

I will be designing my QSL card this weekend, with all the information
required for IOTA,  ARLHS and WLA awards. I expect to have the card printed
by the end of next week and will  start replying to QSLs immediately

Please QSL direct to:

PO Box 350
Newlands 7725
South Africa

If you would like a direct response then please enclose an IRC or green
stamp. All other  replies will be via the bureau.

If you are a FISTS member and your QSL card (with your FISTS membership
number) reaches me before the end of September then I will QSL via the FISTS
bureau at no charge. I intend  to send a single parcel of cards to the FISTS
bureau in early October. My FISTS number is  8921. Unfortunately I don't
have envelopes at the FISTS bureau so please don't send your  card to me by
this route.

Once again thanks to you all and I'll try to arrange some more island
expeditions. Try it,  it's addictive!

vy 73 de
Andrew ZS1AN

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