> I have had 5 of these sent to me today already containing that virus.
> Why doesn't the moderators/administrators of these reflectors INSIST
> on updated installed AV software as a prerequisite for
> subscribing????? I am tired of all this, months of the Klez and now
> this one.

BECAUSE...we are all adults here and not 1st graders who need to be 
told what should be done.  
And being responsible adults, It IS expected that everyone have 
current up-to-date AV 
programs, BUT, there is absolutely no way to know who has and who 
does not have software
 installed.  It's a physical impossibility for anyone to check each 
and every computer.

Where you may get 5, I already have logged over 150.  I check and 
most are not even 
coming from list (DXR) subscribers.  They are coming in from people 
outside the reflecto
r and therefore there is absolutely nothing that can be done, except 
make sure your AV
 programs are current and up-to-date.

The posting of virus messages is as big a nuisance as the virus 
 which is why we actively DISCOURAGE they're posting, as is the
 continual crossposting to 1/2 dozen other lists. Word does get 
around fast enough 
without seeing it posted 20 or 30 times

I'm not trying to be snotty, just posting the facts of life as they 
There are bad mans out there in the Internet and no matter what you 
these mans are going to try and take advantage of you.  Just watch 
your caboose and 
the rest of the train should stay on track

All for now, off to dinner before my brain derails off the tracks of 
my mind

Steve - KF2TI

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Khakis: What you need to start the car in Boston.
If electricity comes from electrons... does that mean that morality
comes from morons?

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