ZL7C, 22 Oct, 21:00 UTC...
A quick note to comment on our 160 m during 22 Oct 2002 UTC,
possibly of interest to the top banders who tried to work us,
during the past two days.
A couple of hours before local sunset, the weather moved in.
We came close to shutting everything down due to lightning,
but luckily it went around us.
Well before local sunset, at 05:15 UT we were once again
calling CQ on 1830.5 and listening down, as the rain came down.
The resulting rain-static and QRN crashes prevented us from
hearing much.
I can't tell you exactly what happened as, at this point, I was
off for some kip (only got 4 hours the previous 2 nights).
Steve G4EDG started off, and, judging by the log, the great
sunset opening into G/GW/EI we had on the previous night did
not happen.
When I came on, at 12:30 UT, Steve and Hiro had put 50-odd stations
in the log, mainly JA and North America. By ZL-standards, the 160 m
band was still very noisy. Hiro told be that even the big JA stations
had been relatively weak.
As the terminator travelled across the US, I logged several US
stations. some of which didn't seem to hear us too well, with
several stations calling but not coming back with a report. Some
of the W6 and W7's however were good copy.
It was certainly a struggle to copy at our end. Shortly before local
sunrise, the JA signals started coming up, and I logged several
who weren't hearing me earlier on.
We finished up with more than 80 stations in the 160 m log, which made
it all worthwhile.
As an aside: the reason for us being on 1830.5 is that the ground-
mounted vertical we are using has a narrow SWR bandwidth, which
means we can't operate on our intended frequency without tripping
the safety circuit in the amplifier. In order to still be able to work
JA, we are listening down, typically around 1823 kHz.
No decision has yet been made on tonight (local), but my pick is
that we'll be on 80 m CW for a change, but we'll be back on top
band at some point.

Wilbert, ZL2BSJ

73 de Lee ZL2AL - ZL7AA, ZL8RI, ZL9CI, VE3OE, Pilot ZL7C October, 2002
DX is!


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