I.C.P.O. Bulletin (October 27-November 10, 2002)

I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
Operations are listed by start date

10/27/2002:  Antoine, 3D2AG, will be working on Rapa Island (OC-051
DIFO:FO-123) between October 27th and November 28th. He plans to operate as
FO5RK on CW and SSB with some digital modes during his late afternoon, night
and early morning hours. QSL to Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt (attn. C.E. Payn),
Laboratoire Terre Ocean, Universite de la Polynesie Francaise, B.P. 6570,
98702 Faa'a, Tahiti. Check http://www.sat.net/~iref/rapapage.htm for further
information. [tnx F5NOD]

10/27/2002:  Richard, N4EX/4, will be active between October 27th and
November 3rd from Bogue Banks (NA-112, USI NC-010S, Carteret County, North
Carolina). Operation will be on 80 through 10 meters, CW only. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [tnx 425DXN]

10/27/2002:  David, GI4FUM, will be taking a FT-817 and a MP-1 with him to
Cape Town at the end of this month. He plans to operate QRP (2 watts) from
various QTHs including the top of Table Mountain. He will be active between
October 27th and November 3rd, using the callsign ZS1/GI4FUM/p. David will
be operating on 40, 17, 15, 12and 10 meters SSB. He will be using his UK
licence under CEPT regulations and has a base in Cape Town - his brother's
QTH. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

10/29/2002:  Ben, OZ5IPA, will be active as EA8/OZ5IPA between October 29th
and November 4th from the Canary Islands (AF-004). Operation will be all
bands CW and SSB, also participation in the International Police
Associations Contest (November 2-3). QSL direct via home callsign only
(Preben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark). [tnx OPDX]

10/29/2002:  A Multi-national team of DXers will be going to American Samoa
(KH8) and their operation is expected to start October 29th. The team
intends to activate two islands at the same time (3 operators on each
island). The islands are Tutuila Island (IOTA OC-045) and Ofu Island (IOTA
OC-077). Modes of operation will be CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV. The dates
are as follows: Tutuila Island (K8T) October 29th to November 8th (2002);
Ofu Island (K8O) October 30th to November 6th (2002). The team consists of 6
operators: Glyn Jones GW0ANA, Team Leader; Doug Roberts, G0WMW; Dr. Markus
Dornach, DL9RCF; Roger Mulzer, DL5RBW; David Flack, AH6HY; and Thomas
Steinmann, DJ6OI. With local help on KH8 from Larry Gandy, AH8LG. More
information is available for readers at the KH8 DXpedition Web page at:
http://www.ukdxers.co.uk . QSL K8O via AH6HY. QSL K8T via GW0ANA.

10/29/2002:  Look for ZL3/N2WB to be active October 29th to 31st from New
Zealand (South Island OC-134)on all bands, CW and SSB. QSL via N2OO (R. W.
Schenk, POB 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087). [tnx DX NEWS]

10/30/2002:  Anci, JA2ZL, will be active between October 30th and November
2nd as FO/JA2ZL from Morea Island (OC-046, DIFO FO-010). He plans to operate
on 40 through 10 meters, mainly SSB but some CW and RTTY, using only 100
watts and a vertical antenna. QSL via JA2ZL (Anci Yamada, 17-8-2 Takirocho,
Tajimi, 507-0813 Japan. [tnx OPDX]

10/30/2002:  A team IOTA composed by Nando, IT9YRE, Claudio, I1SNW, and
Gaetano, IT9GAI, members of Diamond Dx Club, will be active as V63RE, V63WN
and V63GH from some Micronesia New One IOTA islands. This three valid DXer
and IOTA men will be active from Etal Island (Mortolok) between October 30
and November 4, 2002. Working conditions for this activity will be: Yaesu
FT900AT - ICOM IC-706 - Kenwood TS-50 - Generator Honda 2 5kw - Linear
Amplifier 500W - Vertical R6000 (10/12/15/17/20mt) - Rotative Dipole
(10/15/20mt) - Mosley 3El. (10/15/20mt) - Dipole Low Bands. QSL via IT9YRE
(Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, I-96012 Avola (SR), Italy).

10/31/2002:  Look for Mike, K6MYC, and Jimmy, W6JKV, to be active on 6
meters from the island of Grenada (NA-024) between October 31st and November
10th. They will have a very good location for Europe and USA, and all
directions from 40 degrees around to 330 degrees. They should also have good
antennas and power. QSL via home calls. [txn OPDX]

10/31/2002:  Dick, K5AND, Llewellyn, W5OZI, and John, W5LXG, will be active
between October 31st to November 8th from Montserrat (NA-103). Callsign to
be used will most likely be VP2MJD. The main focus will be on 6 meters, but
there will be activity on other bands. Their CW beacon will be on 50155. If
there is propagation, they will operate split listening up 5, but they doubt
that this will be necessary. QSL via Pat Rose, PO Box 393, Junction, Texas,
76849 USA, with SAE and appropriate postage, GS or IRC. Cards received via
the bureau and any cards without SASE will be answered via the bureau. [tnx

11/01/2002:  EA8/HA6PS/p, EA8/HA6NL/p, EA8/HA7JJS/p and EA8/HA6ZV/p will be
active November 1st to 8th from Tenerife, Canary Islands (AF-004, DIE
S-012). They will also participate in the HA-QRP Contest as EA8/HA5RT/p. QSL
via home calls, direct or bureau. QSL EA8/HA5RT/P (HA-QRP contest) via
HA6NL. [tnx 425DXN]

11/01/2002:  Taka, JR3TVH/6, will be on Miyako Island (AS-079) from November
1st to 4th. Look for him on 7, 14, 18, 21, 28 and 50 MHz on 50 Watts SSB and
CW. QSL via JR3TVH, direct or via the JARL bureau. [tnx JI6KVR]

11/01/2002:  Roger, W7VV (ZK1VVV QSL via W7CC), Bob, W7TSQ (ZK1ASQ QSL via
W7TSQ), John AA7PM (ZK1APM QSL via AA7PM), Ralph, VE7XF (ZK1AKX QSL via
VE7XF) and Rick, KT7G (ZK1TTG QSL via KT7G) plan to be active November 1st
to 12th from Rarotonga, South Cook Islands (OC-013). Operation will be on
all bands and modes. [tnx DX NEWS]

11/02/2002:  Alfredo, IK7JWX/p, and other members of the Salento Dx Team
will be active November 2nd and 3rd from the lighthouse "Porto Industriale
Interno" (WAIL PU-002). Operation will be on 40, 20, 15 meter SSB and CW.
QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [tnx IK7JWX]

11/02/2002:  Look for special callsign K4E to be active November 2nd to 3rd
from Egmont Key (USI FL-014S, IOTA NA-034) and lighthouse (WLH LH-0426),
located in Hillsborough County, Florida. Start time will be 15:00 UTC both
days. Rain date for this operation will be November 9, 2002. Operation will
be on 80 through 10 meters, CW and SSB. The QSL manager is John, KU4BT. [tnx

11/02/2002:  Jacques/F5JY, Yves/F5TYY, Alain/F6BFH, Jacquie/F6EGG and
Bernard/F9IE will be active (SSB and CW on the usual IOTA frequencies) from
southern Argentina and Chile between November 2nd and 22nd. They will be
based at Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, SA-008) and operations from other
locations will depend on local conditions. QSL via home calls either direct
or through the bureau. [tnx 425DXN]

11/03/2002:  Guy, AC9X/p, will be active November 3rd, starting at 13:00
UTC, from Biddle Island (USI IN-001R). Operation will be on 40 and 20
meters, usual IOTA frequencies. Biddle Island is located in the State of
Indiana, Wabash River, Cass County. QSL via home call, direct (SASE or SAE +
postage) or bureau. [tnx USisl]

11/04/2002:  Rex, VK8RH, will be active (mainly on 6 meters with a beam, but
also on the HF bands with verticals) as C21RH from Nauru (OC-031) November
4th to 22nd. Look for him on +/- 14260, 18125, 28885 and 50110 kHz. Logs and
updates at http://www.users.on.net/rpearson . QSL via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft,
P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia).

11/04/2002:  PY1LVF (Vieira), PY1NEW (Pete), PY1NEZ (Lima) and PY1VOY (Rick)
will be active between November 4th and 11th from Comprida Island (SA-024,
Loc: GG65CA). They will be using the call PR2C or homecall/p. Operation will
be 80 through 6 meters, CW and SSB, near the usual DX and IOTA frequencies.
QSL direct or bureau, according to the operator's request. [tnx PY1NEZ]

11/05/2002:  Phil, G3SWH, reports that he is pleased to announce that he
will be back in Madagascar November 5th to 19th, and he expects to be
re-issued with his 5R8HA callsign. He expects to be active from various
places on the main island (IOTA AF-013) between the 5th and 13th, and from
Nosy Komba (IOTA AF-057) between 14th and 19th. This will, as usual, be a
holiday type operation with activity limited to when he is able to get on
the air, but he will try to be as active as possible on all bands 40-10
meters, CW only. QSL via G3SWH, either direct with SASE and return postage
or via the RSGB bureau. [tnx OPDX]

11/06/2002:  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active between 06:00 UTC November 6th
to 00:00 UTC November 17th as JI3DST/6 from Tokara Island (AS-049,
Kuchino-shima Toshima-mura Kagoshima-gun Kagoshima-ken Japan). Operation
will be on 40, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters SSB. QSL via JI3DST, direct or
bureau. [tnx OPDX]

11/06/2002:  Johan, PA3EXX, reports that he will operate as VK4WWI Woody
Wallis Island in the Queensland State (Gulf of Carpentaria) North group
(OC-???) between November 6th and 10th. He will then move to Turtle Head
(OC-187) and be active November 11th to 12th. QSL via PA3EXX either direct
(Johan Willemsen, Belmolendijk 12, 1693 DJ Wervershoof, The Netherlands) or
through the bureau. Further information is available at
http://home.tiscali.nl/~su042021 [tnx 425DXN]

11/07/2002:  Rudi, DK7PE, and seven other members of the Lufthansa Amateur
Radio Club will be operating as CT9DLH between November 7th and 11th from
the Madeira Islands (AF-014). Activity will be on all bands 160-10 meters
using SSB, CW and PSK. QSL via DL4FP. [tnx OPDX]

11/09/2002:  Bob, WA4OAB, will be operating as FO/WA4OAB from the islands of
Tahiti Iti (OC-046, DIFO FO-002) between November 9th and 10th, and Moorea
Island (OC-046, DIFO FO-010) between November 12th and 13th. This is a
vacation with the XYL and with a bunch of non-Ham friends, so he will try
his best to stick to the schedule below: 22:00 UTC - 10 meters CW - 28050
kHz (will also be calling FISTS), SSB - 28450 kHz; 15 meters CW - 21050 kHz
(will also be calling FISTS), SSB - 21325 kHz; 20 meters CW - 14050 kHz
(will also be calling FISTS), SSB - 14245 kHz. Activity will depend on
conditions as to which band, and he will try to stay awake for 20 meters at
0900z. QSL via the WA4OAB address on QRZ.com. [txn OPDX]

11/09/2002:  Alfredo, IK7JWX/p, and other members of the Salento Dx Team
will be active November 9th and 10th from the lighthouse "Punta San Cataldo"
(WAIL PU-010). Operation will be on 40, 20, 15 meter SSB and CW. QSL via
home calls, direct or bureau. [tnx IK7JWX]

11/10/2002:  Joeke, PA0VDV, will be active again as J2/PA0VDV between
November 10th and December 2nd, from Curacao (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles.
Activity will be only CW on HF bands 80-10 meters with an emphasis on WARC
bands. There will be NO activity planned in CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via the
bureau or direct to: Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop,
Netherlands. [tnx OPDX]


ZL7C is now QRT. Check your logs at http://www.kkn.net/zl7c/

73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O.
Web: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/

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