I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Jan 17 - Feb 15, 2003)

I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
Operations are listed by start date

17/01/03:  During the period of January 17th to 18th the members of SP4KSY
club station will be working with a special callsign 3Z0OL from the Gothic
castle of Olsztyn. The occasion of the activity is 650 years of Olsztyn
city. They will be working from the cloister of the castle where Nicolaus
Copernicus discovered the phenomenon of equinox. QSL for SQ4NR via buro, or
direct (Grzegorz 'Greg' Gawel ul. Herdera 16/14 10-691 Olsztyn, Poland
(e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). [tnx SQ4NR]

17/01/03:  Art, NN7A, will operate as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye, Belize
(NA-180) January 17th to 20th, 2003. This will be a part-time one-person
operation with 100 watts, vertical and wire antennas. Operation will be
mostly CW on 40 through 10 meters, including the WARC bands; some 80 and 160
meters. Some SSB on 20 and 15 meter IOTA frequencies is possible, conditions
permitting. NA-180 was opened as a new IOTA by Art and Mike Sharp, NG7S /
V31RL, in February, 1993. QSL direct via NN7A (Art Phillips, P.O. Box 201,
Flagstaff, AZ 86002 USA), or to NN7A via the ARRL bureau. No skeds, please.
There will be no on-line logs, and email contact will not be possible while
on the island. [tnx F5NQL]

17/01/03:  Steve, G4EDG, will be active from Stewart Island (OC-203) as
ZL4/G4EDG from late on January 17th for approximately 4 full days. He will
be active on CW only and running only 100w with a YAESU FT900 IOTA set
kindly donated by YAESU to ZL4HU some years back for this type of operation.
Steve will be active mostly on 20 meters. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [tnx ZL4HU]

18/01/03:  Wade, AA8LL, and Liz, K8LIZ, will be active from the Bahamas
between January 18th and 20th. They will be operating from Crooked Island
(NA-113) as AA8LL/C6A and K8LIZ/C6A. They also have permission to operate as
C6ALB from Bird Rock Lighthouse (WLHA LH-0118, BAH-005). Bird Rock is also
NA-113. Operation will be mostly SSB near the IOTA frequencies from 40-10
meters. This time there will be CW on request for those who always request
it. QSL to their home callsign and C6ALB to AA8LL. [tnx OPDX]

18/01/03:  Nuccio, I7YKN/p, plans to be active January 18th from Torre San
Foca di Melendugno (DCI reference LE-059, for the Italian Castles Award) and
Torre Roca Vecchia di Melendugno (DCI reference LE-060). Operation will be
on 40 and 20 meters. Both references are located in the Region of Puglia,
Province of Lecce (LE). [tnx I7YKN]

18/01/03:  Mario, IV3VBM/p, will be active January 18th from Villa
Fortificata Sulis (DCI reference PN-023, for the Italian Castles Award) and
Torre del Castello di Vigna (DCI reference PN-024). Operation will be on 40
and 20 meters. Both references are located in the Region of Friuli Venezia
Giulia, Province of Pordenone (PN). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[tnx IV3VBM]

18/01/03:  Adolfo, IZ7EUH/p, will be active January 18th (an mainly every
weekend, being a resident in the area) from Torre dell'Orologio castello
Normanno (DCI reference BA-111, for the Italian Castles Award) located in
Terlizzi. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters, with other bands possible.
The Tower of the Clock, Normanno Castle, is located in the Region of Puglia,
Province of Bari (BA). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [tnx IZ7EUH]

18/01/03:  Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as ZK2GI from Niue Island (OC-040)
between January 18th to 26th. Operation will be on 20 through 10 meters, SSB
only. He hopes there will be propagation to Europe approximately 08:00-14:00
UTC, peaking around 1100z. QSL (preferably) by E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (No
attachment), or via the bureau to PA3GIO. Bert states, "I do not accept nor
send eQSL's (i.e. www.eQSL.cc)! I do not read my E-mail when on a
DXpedition..." Direct QSL to: Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK
Woudenberg, The Netherlands, Europe. [tnx OPDX]

19/01/03:  Nuccio, I7YKN/p, plans to be active January 19th from Torre
Boraco di Manduria (DCI reference TA-025, for the Italian Castles Award) and
Torre Saline di Manduria (DCI reference TA-034). Operation will be on 40 and
20 meters. Both references are located in the Region of Puglia, Province of
Taranto (TA). [tnx I7YKN]

19/01/03:  Franco, IK4DCS/p, will be active January 19th from Forte Centrale
di Borgoforte (DCI reference MN-002, for the Italian Castles Award) and
Castello di Motteggiana (DCI reference MN-033). Operation will be on 40
through 10 meters, SSB and CW. Both references are located in the Region of
Lombardia, Province of Mantova (MN). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[tnx IK4DCS]

19/01/03:  Danilo, IN3IZQ/p, plans to be active January 19th from the Castle
of Casez (DCI reference TN-069, for the Italian Castles Award). Operation
will be on 40 and 20 meters. The Castle of Casez is located in the Region of
Trentino Alto Adige, Province of Trento (TN). QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [tnx IN3IZQ]

19/01/03:  Look for VK7KHZ/p to be active January 19th to 22nd from Bruny
Island (OC-233). Operation will be on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters. QSL via
EA7FTR (Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva,
Spain). [tnx 425DXN]

20/01/03:  F6BVB/p and F6FNA/p will activate reference DFCF 60-010, for the
French Castle Award, on Monday, January 20th. They will be on 40 meter SSB
between 10:00 and 11:30 UTC and on 20 meters from 12:30 till 15:00 UTC. QSL
via operator's instructions. [tnx ON4CAS]

20/01/03:  Ralph, NM5RC/p, plans on activating Tingley Island (USI new one),
Tingley Beach Lake, Bernalillo County, New Mexico on Monday, January 20,
16:00-21:00+/- UTC.  Alternate date in case of weather or equipment problems
is Tuesday, January 21. He will start on 10 meters and stay there for 2
hours if there is activity. Then to 20 meters 14.250 to 14.270 MHz. Please
look up or down a bit as he will move if a net starts on/near his frequency.
QSL via home call, CBA, or e-QSL. [tnx NM5RC]

20/01/03:  George/W8UVZ, George/K8GG and Gary/KD9SV, will be active from
Curacao (SA-006) between January 20th and 29th, and plan to be in the CQ WW
160 CW Contest (January 25-26th). They have applied for the contest callsign
PJ2X. Outside of the contest they will use PJ2/homecall. There will be
plenty of Low Band and WARC Band activity. QSL PJ2X via W8UVZ. QSL other
contacts via the operator's home address. [tnx OPDX]

21/01/03:  Bob, AA1M, and Mike, W1USN, will be active January 21st to 28th
from the island of Dominica (NA-101). Operations will be on the HF bands
with activity on CW, SSB and PSK31. Assigned calls are J75PL (AA1M) and
J75RN (W1USN). QSL via the bureau, WF5E or direct CBA. [tnx OPDX]

25/01/03:  Fabrice, F5NBQ, Bertrand, F6HKA, and Jean-Louis, F5UJK, will be
active January 25th to 27th as F5NBQ/p from Oleron Island (EU-032, DIFM
AT-025). They also plan to participate in the CQWW 160m CW Contest. QSL via
F5NBQ. [tnx 425DXN]

30/01/03:  Hans, DL7CM, and Sid, DM2AYO, will be active from Haiti (NA-096)
between January 30th and February 16th. Calls will be HH2/DL7CM and
HH2/DM2AYO. Operation will be on all HF bands 160 through 6 meters, CW, SSB
and RTTY. Their main goal is to be on the low bands, 6m and RTTY. QSL via
home calls, direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

30/01/03:  Terry, VE7TLL, plans to be active January 30th to February 10th
as VR2/VE7TLL from Lantau Island (AS-006), Hong Kong. This is not a
DXpedition, but he will try to be as active as possible on the usual IOTA
frequencies. QSL via home call, CBA. [tnx 425DXN]

02/02/03:  Wicky/W4LW and Fred/K4FMD will operate as V2/K4UP from Antigua
(NA-100) on their annual DX Vacation from February 2nd to 8th. Their
activity will be a casual style operation on 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters
SSB only. QSL via K4UP direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

04/02/03:  Ed, W2SN, is scheduled to operate as VP6EM from Pitcairn Island
on February 4, 2003, between 17:00 and 23:59 UTC, on 10, 15 and/or 20 meters
SSB, depending on propagation. QSL to home call. [tnx W2SN]

08/02/03:  The Metro Amateur Radio Club will be active February 8th and 9th
(16:00 - 24:00 UTC both days) from the Chicago Harbor Southeast Guidewall
Lighthouse (USA-930). They will be using the special event call K9Y. QSL via
N9BOR, with SASE (Michael J Dinelli, 9423 Kolmar Avenue, Skokie, IL
60076-1321). [tnx MARC]

09/02/03:  A German team plans to head south to get away from the cool
weather and be active as 3B8/DK7AO from Point D'Esny, Mauritius Island
(AF-049), between February 9th and 15th. The team consists of: Frank/DK7AO
and his XYL Katrin/DL1AXL, Guenter/DL2AWG and Peter/DL3APO (and his XYL).
Activity will be on 160-10 meter, but they will focus on the low bands, the
WARC bands and some RTTY. They will have 2 HF stations. QSL via DL3APO. [tnx

09/02/03:  Ron, ND5S, plans to be active as PJ7/ND5S and Sue as PJ7/KF5LG
from St.Maarten (NA-105) between February 9th and February 22nd. Ron will
again participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest. Outside of the contest,
activity will be 160-10 meters CW, RTTY and SSB in that order. QSL via
PJ7/ND5S direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

12/02/03:  Pierre, F6FXS, will be active once more from his son's on
Guadeloupe Main island (NA-102, DIFO FG-001) between February 12th and
March, 12th as FG/F6FXS. It's a CW only activity, but also a holiday one.
Pierre will run about 30 watts from an IC706 and wire antenna. Look for him
on 40 through 10 meters, but mainly around 14030, 18070, 21030 or 28030 kHz
(+/- QRM), in the morning and the evening (local time = UTC minus 4). QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [tnx F5NQL]

12/02/03:  Look for Stan, AC8W, Hank, K8DD, and possibly one or two
operators to be active from St. Kitts (NA-104) between February 12th and
19th. Activity will include the ARRL DX CW Contest. Personal callsigns have
been applied for in addition to a contest callsign; however, they are not
yet known. Before and after the contest, they will be on the WARC bands, and
also PSK31 and RTTY. QSL will be via home callsigns. An update will be sent
out when they know what the callsigns are going to be. [tnx OPDX]

15/02/03:  Look for D4B to be active from the Cape Verde Islands (AF-005)
during the ARRL DX-CW contest (February 15-16). QSL via 4L5A.

15/02/03:  Ed, N2ED, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW contest (February
15-16th) as V26G from Antigua (NA-100). QSL via N2ED. [tnx N2ED]

15/02/03:  Kurt, W6PH, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW contest
(February 15-16th) as VP9/W6PH from Bermuda (NA-005). Kurt will operate as
SOAB LP. QSL via W6PH direct. [tnx W6PH]
On-line logs for KM1CC, Marconi Cape Cod 1903 Station 100th Anniversary
event, are being continually updated at:
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O.
Web: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/

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