I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Jan 27 - Feb 23, 2003)

I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
Operations are listed by start date

27/01/03:  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a
plan to permanently close a chemical weapons disposal facility on Johnston
Island. After the completion of the cleanup facility on Johnston Island is
expected to close soon and an administration change will soon put the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) in charge of the overall operations of this
U.S. territory. Future DXpeditions to Johnston Island, KH3, may be much more
On top of all of this the Johnston Island (OC-023) Club station KJ6BZ will
be dismantled. Finnish operators OH2BH, Martti Laine, and OH2PM, Pertti
Simovaara, along with DX editor W3UR, Bernie McClenny have obtained special
permission to visit, document and operate from the club station for one week
and just before the demolition, which is scheduled just days after the
operation. In the spirit of "cleanup," the ham radio team is going to do its
best to "clean up the demand" for KH3 for Europe, low bands and WARC bands.
The AH3D crew will also "tidy up" on 6 meters and RTTY. The all band CW, SSB
and RTTY operation is scheduled to take place from January 27 to February 4.
The group will use proven sanitation materials, and the recently launched
DXpedition grade Yaesu FT-857 and FT-897 radios with multiple amplifiers.
They will use a variety of antennas to spray their signals across the
airwaves including a TH11, 3-element 10 meter beam, duo bander for 12 and 17
meters and various wires for the low bands.
To help manage the cleanup K6GNX, Dr. Bill Avery, will step in as the team's
pilot station. He will act as a point person to relay news between the
operating crew and the DX community. Bill can be reached via e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . This may very well be the last big sweep from
Johnston Island for a long time. Those wishing to fill their needed list
should monitor the following frequencies: CW 1827.5, 3506, 7006, 10106,
14024, 18075, 21024, 24895, 28024, 50105 kHz; SSB 3795, 7082, 14195, 18145,
21295, 24945, 28495, 50105 kHz; RTTY 14085 or 21085 kHz. QSL via OH2BH, 2003
Johnston Atoll DXpedition, P.O. Box 73, 02380 Espoo, Finland.

28/01/03:  Pick, WA5PAE (KG4IZ), and Jay, K4ZLE (KG4MO), will return to
Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) between January 28th and February 4th. They will
operate all bands from 160 through 10 metres using mostly CW, PSK-31 and
RTTY. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [tnx 425DXN]

29/01/03:  Andy, K2LE, will be active January 29th through February 7th from
Aruba (SA-036) as P4/K2LE. QSL via home call, CBA. [tnx DXNL]

30/01/03:  Hans, DL7CM, and Sid, DM2AYO, will be active as HH6/DL7CM and
HH6/DM2AYO from Ile a Vache (NA-149), Haiti between January 30th and
February 15th. They plan to operate 160 through 6 meters CW, SSB and RTTY,
with a beam and a GP for the low bands. QSL via home calls, direct or
bureau. [tnx 425DXN]

30/01/03:  Terry, VE7TLL, plans to be active January 30th to February 10th
as VR2/VE7TLL from Lantau Island (AS-006), Hong Kong. This is not a
DXpedition, but he will try to be as active as possible on the usual IOTA
frequencies. QSL via home call, CBA. [tnx 425DXN]

31/01/03:  Bill, VE3EBN, will be active between January 31st and April 2nd
as J37LR from Grenada (NA-024). He will operate on 80 through 10 meters, CW
and SSB. QSL via VE3EBN. [tnx 425DXN]

31/01/03:  Look for JN1MYM and JO1UTG to operate from Saipan (OC-086) as
KH0/JN1MYM and KH2DI/KH0, respectively, between January 31st and February
3rd. Activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via their home callsigns. [tnx

31/01/03:  YL Chrissy, VP5/KB9VAL, and her father Gary, VP5/K9SG, will
activate from the Turks and Caicos Islands at the station of VP5JM between
January 31st and February 3rd. QSL via K9SG. [tnx DXNL]

01/02/03:  Manfred, DJ7RJ, will be active February 1st to 13th from Grenada
(NA-024) as J3/DJ7RJ. QSL via home call. [tnx 425DXN]

02/02/03:  Wicky/W4LW and Fred/K4FMD will operate as V2/K4UP from Antigua
(NA-100) on their annual DX Vacation from February 2nd to 8th. Their
activity will be a casual style operation on 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters
SSB only. QSL via K4UP direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

04/02/03:  Wil, DJ7AA, reports that he is planning another trip to Contadora
Island (NA-073), Panama, and will be active February 4th to 19th. His main
activities are the WPX-RTTY Contest and the ARRL CW Contest. Outside of the
contests, his activity will be mostly CW on 160/80 meters. Please look for
him on 1826.5 and 3560.0 kHz always listening split, so please look for his
QSX frequencies. There may be some activity on the WARC bands and some SSB
if someone needs it and if there is some time. The callsign is not known
yet. QSLs for this activity are going via DL6MYL. [tnx OPDX]

04/02/03:  Ed, W2SN, is scheduled to operate as VP6EM from Pitcairn Island
on February 4, 2003, between 17:00 and 23:59 UTC, on 10, 15 and/or 20 meters
SSB, depending on propagation. QSL to home call. [tnx W2SN]

05/02/03:  Mat, JS6PXB, will sign JS6PXB/6 from Zamami Island (AS-017)
(Zamami-jima Zamami-son Shimajiri-gun Okinawa-ken) from 0600z, February 5th
through 0000z, February 6th. Activity will only be on 40 and 20 meters SSB.
QSL via the bureau or direct to: Mat Hosokawa, 2-39-3-306 Aragusuku, Ginowan
City, Okinawa Island 901-2201 Japan. [tnx OPDX]

05/02/03:  Guillermo, XQ3SA, Axel, CE3AFC, Hector, CE3VII, and Felipe,
CE3SAG, will be active February 5th to 9th as XR6M from Mocha Island
(SA-061, Grid Loc: FF21np). This activity will be entirely devoted to 6
meters (50.110 MHz) and satellites (AO-40, AO-7, UO-14, RS-15 and AO-27).
QSL via P.O. Box 27064, Santiago, Chile. [tnx 425DXN]

06/02/03:  Hector, XE2K, Pablo, XE2CHE, Rogelio, XE2FCR, Emidgio, XE2ZY,
Hector, XE2CK and Ray, N6VR (CW operator) will be active as XF1K from Isla
Pelicano (NA-167) between February 6th and 9th. The team hopes to start
operating at 03:00 UTC February 6th and expects to leave the island on
either the evening of February 8th, or the morning of the 9th (the decision
will depend on tides). SSB and CW operations are expected to take place on
80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, for 12-18 hours a day. QSL via N6AWD either
direct (Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA) or
through the bureau. [tnx 425DXN]

07/02/03:  Takeshi, JA5AUC, will operate from Saipan (OC-086) as KH0/JA5AUC
between February 7th and 12th. Activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via
his home callsign. [tnx OPDX]

08/02/03:  The Metro Amateur Radio Club will be active February 8th and 9th
(16:00 - 24:00 UTC both days) from the Chicago Harbor Southeast Guidewall
Lighthouse (USA-930). They will be using the special event call K9Y. QSL via
N9BOR, with SASE (Michael J Dinelli, 9423 Kolmar Avenue, Skokie, IL
60076-1321). [tnx MARC]

09/02/03:  A German team plans to head south to get away from the cool
weather and be active as 3B8/DK7AO from Point D'Esny, Mauritius Island
(AF-049), between February 9th and 15th. The team consists of: Frank/DK7AO
and his XYL Katrin/DL1AXL, Guenter/DL2AWG and Peter/DL3APO (and his XYL).
Activity will be on 160-10 meter, but they will focus on the low bands, the
WARC bands and some RTTY. They will have 2 HF stations. QSL via DL3APO. [tnx

09/02/03:  Babs, DL7AFS, and Lot, DJ7ZG, will be active February 9th to 23rd
as 5X1DC from Uganda. Their QTH will be located on the Ssese Islands (Grid
Loc: KG60aa), which is located in Lake Victoria near Entebbe. QSL via
DL7AFS. [tnx 425DXN]

09/02/03:  Ron, ND5S, plans to be active as PJ7/ND5S and Sue as PJ7/KF5LG
from St.Maarten (NA-105) between February 9th and February 22nd. Ron will
again participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest. Outside of the contest,
activity will be 160-10 meters CW, RTTY and SSB in that order. QSL via
PJ7/ND5S direct or bureau. [tnx OPDX]

11/02/03:  John, K3TEJ, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 15-16th) as 6Y0T from Jamaica (NA-097). During activity outside of
the contest, he will operate as 6Y5/K3TEJ. He will be active between
February 11th to 18th. Operations will be on 160-10 meters CW ONLY. QSL both
callsigns via K3TEJ. [tnx OPDX]

11/02/03:  Ben, DL6RAI, and Roberto, IV3IYH (aka IK2MRZ), will be active
February 11th to March 3rd from Tobago (SA-009). Operation will be on all
bands 160 through 10 meters CW, SSB and RTTY. Ben will sign 9Y4/DL6RAI (QSL
via DL6RAI) and Roberto will sign 9Y4/IV3IYH (QSL via IK2ILH). They also
plan to participate in the ARRL DX SSB and CW contests as 9Y4TBG (QSL via
DL4MEH). [tnx 425DXN]

12/02/03:  Pierre, F6FXS, will be active once more from his son's on
Guadeloupe Main island (NA-102, DIFO FG-001) between February 12th and
March, 12th as FG/F6FXS. It's a CW only activity, but also a holiday one.
Pierre will run about 30 watts from an IC706 and wire antenna. Look for him
on 40 through 10 meters, but mainly around 14030, 18070, 21030 or 28030 kHz
(+/- QRM), in the morning and the evening (local time = UTC minus 4). QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [tnx F5NQL]

12/02/03:  Bill, W9VA, will be active as PY0ZFO from Fernando de Noronha
(SA-003) between February 12th and 18th. His activity will include the ARRL
CW DX Contest using a special callsign. Contest category and callsign will
be announced later. QSL via W9VA. [tnx OPDX]

12/02/03:  Look for Stan, AC8W, Hank, K8DD, and possibly one or two
operators to be active from St. Kitts (NA-104) between February 12th and
19th. Activity will include the ARRL DX CW Contest. Personal callsigns have
been applied for in addition to a contest callsign; however, they are not
yet known. Before and after the contest, they will be on the WARC bands, and
also PSK31 and RTTY. QSL will be via home callsigns. An update will be sent
out when they know what the callsigns are going to be. [tnx OPDX]

15/02/03:  Look for D4B to be active from the Cape Verde Islands (AF-005)
during the ARRL DX-CW contest (February 15-16). QSL via 4L5A.

15/02/03:  Ed, N2ED, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW contest (February
15-16th) as V26G from Antigua (NA-100). QSL via N2ED. [tnx N2ED]

15/02/03:  Kurt, W6PH, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW contest
(February 15-16th) as VP9/W6PH from Bermuda (NA-005). Kurt will operate as
SOAB LP. QSL via W6PH direct. [tnx W6PH]

17/02/03:  Members of the Florida DXPedition Group, Bill V25WX (W4WX) and
Larry V2/W1LR (applied for V26LR) are planning trip to Antigua between
February 17th and 25th. They will be traveling Space A via military aircraft
out of Patrick AFB, Cocoa, FL. They will be taking one small mini-beam for
10-15-20m, Force 12 Sigma 5 Vertical for 10-12-15-17-20m, and dipole for 6m.
They will be on SSB, MMTTY, PSK-31 (no brags please). Flashing Light on
request for small ships. Pilot station Clarence W9AAZ
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). QSL via home calls. [tnx W4WX]

18/02/03:  Due to medical reasons Klaus, DJ4SO, had to re-schedule his
activity as PJ6/DJ4SO for February 18th to March 12th. He will then be QRV
in CW/SSB/RTTY on 40 through 6 meters depending on his antenna
possibilities, maybe also on 160 and 80m. QSL via bureau. [tnx DXNL]

23/02/03:  Three members of SL0ZS, The Voluntary Radioorganisation -
Stockholm branch, are planning for a DX-pedition to Svalbard (EU-026)
between February 23rd and March 1st, 2003. The team consists of Peter
Rosenthal, JW/SM0BSO, Stellan Wersen, JW/SM0LQB, and Eric Wennstrom (ex.
SM1TDE/4U, TF/SM1TDE), JW/SM1TDE. They will operate from the club station
JW5E located in Longyearbyen. Activity will take place on all bands from 160
through 6 meters in CW, SSB, RTTY as well as several other digital modes.
QSL via homecalls, bureau or direct. Electronic-QSLs can be obtained at
www.eQSL.cc . [tnx SL0ZS]

Pedro, HK3JJH, reminds us:
"Actual cost of regular mail in Colombia is US $1.65 and IRC are not
accepted in post office here for this reason I can not sponsor that, I will
continue sending my QLSs via Bureau or direct from American post office when
I can trip to USA, or send it with some friend to there.
Right now I am on time with my entire out going QSLs but I will need to make
mentioned change.
73'DX, Pedro J. Allina B., HK3JJH"
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O.
Web: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/

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