Hello Everyone,

I completely understand the problems that many of you are having getting the SSB K1B QSL cards. I feel bad for each of you who have still not received your QSL card. Unfortunately the mail situation in my country certainly has room for improvement. In hindsight it was probably not a good choice to use a Russian QSL address.

To date I have processed more than 3000 Direct QSL requests that were returned direct. I have received more than 1000 bureau QSL cards that all have been sent back via the bureau. Today I still receive 20 direct requests per week, all being returned direct. So far, all received QSL’s have been returned.

I received approximately 300 direct QSL card requests which were already opened before I received them and any IRC or postage money was missing, these I have answered via the bureau. I have received at least 200 email requests asking for status on specific cards of which never arrived here. I suspect many more card requests were lost somewhere in the mail system.

The K1B DXpedition made some 95127 QSO’s and about half were SSB or 45000 QSO’s. CW and digital mode QSL’s are being handled by Hrane YT1AD and I am handling all SSB cards.

I am working with my friend Dave K4SV (ex KW4DA) a K1B team member who has arranged for a QSL manager to handle K1B SSB QSL cards in North America. Dave will administrate SSB QSLing directly with the manager. I have already sent my logs and he is preparing now for the requests. See below for QSL information.

If you would like to pick up a K1B SSB QSL card in person, I will be at Dayton this year and am prepared to hand out cards there, watch for an announcement.

Best regards,

Roman Thomas,RZ3AA (K1B, K5K, 3D2CI etc.)



QSL Information

If you worked K1B using SSB please include the following:

Your QSL Card indicating Time in GMT, Date, Band, Mode and Report

Self Addressed Envelope with all necessary addressing information from USA to your country

One Green Stamp preferred or One Large IRC accepted

Please make sure the envelope contains the Three items shown above.

No Bureau cards will be accepted, please send Bureau cards via Roman RZ3AA via the Russian Bureau.

All cards will be processed in the order they are received

Please send Only SSB cards, CW and Digital requests are to be sent to Hrane YT1AD

Please send all QSL requests to the address below

Stephen M. Grose K4YL (ex W4SMG)

PO Box 183

Flat Rock, North Carolina 28731-0183

Please email to:


Depending on the demand, some delay might result if additional cards have to be printed.


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