Forwarded with permission from ST0RY Pilot N5FG...

In a message dated 3/24/03 9:35:28 PM Central Standard Time, 
ST0RY pilot N5FG [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Greetings from the team-leader Chris, DL5NAM. He says:

 "We have had a lot of problems finding an appropriate QTH but we came
 finally on the air on March 20, 2000 UTC. Till March 23, 0300 UTC, we
 had 8669 QSO's in log. 514 on 160m, 1136 on 80m, 1386 on 40m, 1730 on
 30m and approx. 900 on RTTY.

 However we don't have many US West Coast in the log yet. We try to make
 use of every chance. The propagation are useless, the reality is much
 different. Biggest problem is always the big EU wall.

 All antennas are up, we have no problems. All equipment is running well
 and the noise level on the low bands is acceptable. We are inside the
 capital Khartoum, directly at the river Nile at the point where blue and
 white Nile join.

 We and our equipment have the same color: brown - from the desert sand!
 We don't have an internet connection here in the shack. So we have to
 use an Internet cafe downtown. Weather: we have blue sky and currently
 44° C = 104 - 106 F !!"

 One more pilot's note: we get several requests for SSTV. ST0RY will not
 operate SSTV. We are sorry!    (DL5NAM)

 Thanks for your reports on 80 & 160meters. Until today we only have one
 vertical up and could only work 160 OR 80 meters. Some difficulties with 
 limited space. We will bring another vertical up today and stay then in 
 parallel on 80 and 160 meters every morning. I know itīs hard to compete 
 with the more eastern stations. Please continue trying. Pileups are huge. 
 We feel that we can work more into west a bit every day. Called W6 W7 
 only on 40m this morning but hard to get East coast QRX - same on 80 meters.
 Hope condx will hold good. Sunrise peak is super and worth to try 160 meters 
 from 03z up to the band closing about 0345z. Peak on 80 and 40 seems
 to be around 2z. Earlier (00z) no way due to heavy QRM/QRN local.

 best regards from the full team
 Dietmar, DL3DXX
 160/80m OP

--- Begin Message ---
Hi Tom
Feel free to pass this along if you like
I do NOT subscribe to any reflectors anymore.. NO TIME

Floyd, N5FG
----- Original Message -----
From: "Floyd Gerald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Carl Smith-N4AA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: UPDATE FROM ST0RY from Sudan !

> Hope this helps
> -73-
> Floyd, N5FG
> DX IS !
>  >
> > Greetings from the team-leader Chris, DL5NAM. He says:
> >
> > "We have had a lot of problems finding an appropriate QTH but we came
> > finally on the air on March 20, 2000 UTC. Till March 23, 0300 UTC, we
> > had 8669 QSO's in log. 514 on 160m, 1136 on 80m, 1386 on 40m, 1730 on
> > 30m and approx. 900 on RTTY.
> >
> > However we don't have many US West Coast in the log yet. We try to make
> > use of every chance. The propagation are useless, the reality is much
> > different. Biggest problem is always the big EU wall.
> >
> > All antennas are up, we have no problems. All equipment is running well
> > and the noise level on the low bands is acceptable. We are inside the
> > capital Khartoum, directly at the river Nile at the point where blue and
> > white Nile join.
> >
> > We and our equipment have the same color: brown - from the desert sand!
> > We don't have an internet connection here in the shack. So we have to
> > use an Internet cafe downtown. Weather: we have blue sky and currently
> > 44° C = 104 - 106 F !!"
> >
> > One more pilot's note: we get several requests for SSTV. ST0RY will not
> > operate SSTV. We are sorry!
>  >
> >

--- End Message ---

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