I.C.P.O. Bulletin (coverage: June 09 - June 30, 2003)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations - "I.C.P.O."
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
June - July/03:  Look for Tom, KH6/W4MDL, to be active during the weekends
from various islands around Oahu. He plans to activate Ford Island (IOTA
OC-019, USI HI-022S, Honolulu county), Konoehe Island (OC-019, HI-new) and
Sand Island (OC-019, HI-021S, Honolulu county. Activity will be on 20
through 10 meters, including WARC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx

09/06/2003:  Andre, GM3VLB, will be joined by Scottish partner Alex,
G(M)0DHZ, and son Niall, VP8NJS, for their VE7 Dxpeditions (No callsigns
provided): Denny Island (NA-061, CISA BC-171) from June 9th (late evening
UTC) to June 11th (late evening UTC); Thetis Island (NA-075, CISA BC-010)
from June 12th (late evening UTC) to June 13th (late afternoon UTC). QSL via
operator's instructions. [Tnx OPDX]

10/06/2003:  Volker, DL1WH, will become QRV as DF0MF from the lightship
"Amrumbank" in Emden between June 10th and 17th. He prefers to work SSB and
CW on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via bureau. [Tnx DXNL]

12/06/2003:  Tibor, 9A/HA3HP, plans to activate some of the Croatian islands
as follows: June 12th the Island of Pasman (CI-085, EU-170); June 13th the
Island of Murter (CI-074, not IOTA); June 14th to 15th Gubavci (CI-487,
EU-170), Maslinjak (CI-256, EU-170), Prisnjak (CI-374, not IOTA), Prisnjak
Mali (CI-488, EU-170), Skoljic V/M (CI-404, EU-170), Tegina (CI-413, not
IOTA), Vinik V/M (CI-375, not IOTA) and Visovac (CI-486, EU-170). QSL via
home call. [Tnx DE0MST]

12/06/2003:  Andrea, IK1PMR, plans to be QRV as 9H3?? from Gozo Island
(EU-023) between June 12th and 19th. Activity will be on 80 through 10
meters, mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY / PSK. QSL via IK1PMR, direct or
bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

12/06/2003:  Look for RV3GW, RA3GD, RW3GU and others to visit and operate
from a few islands (3 new RRA) and lighthouses (WLHA LH-0530 - Vasilisin;
LH-0441 - Sosnovo Shal'skiy; LH-0407 - Mihaylovets) in Lake Onega between
June 12th and 15th. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meter CW and SSB. QSL via
operator's instructions. [Tnx 425DXN]

12/06/2003:  Ann, W2AZK, and Brian, KF2HC, from the North Jersey DX
Association (NJDXA) will sign home call/KP2 from St.Croix (NA-106), June
12th to 19th. SSB and CW activity will be on 160-10 meters. QSL via direct
or via the bureau to the call worked. Confirmed QSOs are good towards the
"NJDXA Award." See NJDXA's Web page (http://www.njdxa.org) for award
details. [Tnx OPDX]

12/06/2003:  Bjarne, OZ0BB, and Jakob, OZ7AEI, will be QRV June 12th as
homecall/1 from the following islands (EU-171 - Jylland East and Fyn group)
and lighthouses: Fur (DIA NJ-003, DLS 143), Mors (DIA NJ-002, DLS 012) and
Agero (DIA NJ-018). They plan to start around 08:00 UTC and operate on 40
and 20 meters. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

12/06/2003:  Andre, GM3VLB, will be joined by Scottish partner Alex,
G(M)0DHZ, and son Niall, VP8NJS, for their VE7 Dxpeditions (No callsigns
provided): Thetis Island (NA-075, CISA BC-010) from June 12th (late evening
UTC) to June 13th (late afternoon UTC). QSL via operator's instructions.
[Tnx OPDX]

13/06/2003:  Tibor, 9A/HA3HP, plans to activate some of the Croatian islands
as follows: June 13th the Island of Murter (CI-074, not IOTA); June 14th to
15th Gubavci (CI-487, EU-170), Maslinjak (CI-256, EU-170), Prisnjak (CI-374,
not IOTA), Prisnjak Mali (CI-488, EU-170), Skoljic V/M (CI-404, EU-170),
Tegina (CI-413, not IOTA), Vinik V/M (CI-375, not IOTA) and Visovac (CI-486,
EU-170). QSL via home call. [Tnx DE0MST]

13/06/2003:  Look for members of the Tandil Radio Club (LU2EE) to be QRV
June 13th to 16th from Faro Segunda Barranca (ARG-067, Grid: FE89), on all
bands and modes. The team consists of LU5DIT/D , LW5EE/D, LU6DLB/D,
LU8EXJ/D, LU8ERH/D, LU8EGS/D and LU3DR/D. QSL direct to LU2EE with SASE, or
via the bureau to the particular operators home call. [Tnx GACW]

13/06/2003:  Look for Jacques, F6HMJ, and Andre, F6AOI, to be QRV June 13th
to 15th from Ile d'Or (IOTA EU-070, DIFM ME-013) as TM3OR. QSL via F6HMJ.
[Tnx 425DXN]

13/06/2003:  Jon, N0JK, expects to be active from VP9GE's Tarrafal
Apartments, Bermuda (NA-005), June 13th to 16th. He plans to operate mainly
in the June VHF QSO Party as a Single-Op/Low Power entry. His station will
be an IC-706 MII w/100 watts, a 5 element M2 on 6 meters and 9 element M2 on
2 meters. He hopes to be active on June 13th during the peak times for
Europe and plans to be active during the entire contest period. Tear down
will be Monday morning June 16th. [Tnx OPDX]

13/06/2003:  Tibor, 9A/HA3HP, plans to activate some of the Croatian islands
as follows: June 14th to 15th Gubavci (CI-487, EU-170), Maslinjak (CI-256,
EU-170), Prisnjak (CI-374, not IOTA), Prisnjak Mali (CI-488, EU-170),
Skoljic V/M (CI-404, EU-170), Tegina (CI-413, not IOTA), Vinik V/M (CI-375,
not IOTA) and Visovac (CI-486, EU-170). QSL via home call. [Tnx DE0MST]

15/06/2003:  Look for 8A9R to be QRV from Rote Island (OC-241, WW Loc: PH19)
in the middle of June, 2003, for about 10 days. This will be a multi
operator and multi band operation, with YC9BU (Kadek) as one of the
operators and also the QSL manager. The team will be operating near an old
lighthouse on Rote Island, which will be submitted for World Lighthouse
Award acceptance. Further information to follow. [Tnx DE0MST]

15/06/2003:  The Radio Club de la Vallee de l'Aa a Esquerdes (62) will be
QRV as F5KAI/P, for French Mills Day, from the moulin de Saint Martin au
Laert / Le Grand Moulin (DMF reference 62-079, for the French Mills Award).
Activity will be from 07:00 to 18:00 UTC on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via F8DKG,
direct or bureau. [Tnx F-11606]

15/06/2003:  For the next 2003 French Mills Day, June 15, 2003, Andre, F5PEZ
will use the call sign TM1JNM. Activity will be on all HF bands, mainly SSB.
QSL via Andre, F5PEZ, either direct or via the French Bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]

15/06/2003:  The VK6 DX Chasers Club will travel to Thevenard Island,
Mackerel Island group (IOTA OC-140), and be active for 1 week starting June
15, 2003. The Mackerel Islands group, comprising 10 islands is situated 22km
offshore from the town of Onslow, 1400km north of Perth, on the coast of the
spectacular and ancient Pilbara region of Western Australia. The callsign
for the DX-pedition will be a special one VI6TI to commemorate the naming of
the island by the French Captain Baudine who led an expedition in 1801-1804
in the ship "Casuarina". Captain Baudine named the island after the Vice
Admiral and Minister 1732-1815 - Antoine John Mary France Thevenard. The 8
member team will leave Perth on Friday 13th June and hope to be active from
the island on Sunday 15th June around 07:00 or 08:00 UTC. Activity will be
on or near the usual IOTA HF frequencies. There will also be activity on 6
metres with a 3 elm beam for this band. They will monitor 50.110 Mhz. The
groups previous Dx-pedition in Nov 2000 to nearby Direction Island netted
550 contacts on 6 metres with many contacts into Europe. The group is hoping
for similar conditions this time round. For all the satellite enthusiasts
the group will also be bringing along a portable satellite station looking
for contacts on AO-40. They will have a Yaesu FT-847 and will operate Mode
U/S with a 8 element yagi on the 70cms uplink and 65cms offset dish with
K5GNA AIDC 3731AA 2.4GHz down converter. The grid locator is OG77mm. The QSL
manager is VK6NE (Neil Penfold, 2 Moss Ct, Kingsley, WA 6026, Australia).
All direct and bureau cards will be answered and the group hope to have a
full colour card available shortly after the trip. [Tnx VK6NU]

19/06/2003:  Wade, AA8LL/p, plans to be QRV June 19th and 20th from the
Beaver Island (USI MI-032L, Charlevoix county), Michigan, Lighthouse (WLHA
LH-1527, USA-046). Activity will be on the usual lighthouse frequencies 40
through 10 meters (if the propagation cooperates) and mostly SSB. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx W9DC]

19/06/2003:  Look for Ben, OZ6B, to be QRV from Bornholm Island (EU-030,
BO-001 for the Danish Islands Award) between June 19th and 26th. His main
frequency will be 14265 kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via bureau or direct. [Tnx

20/06/2003:  Detlev, DL1RTW/p and Klaus, DL7UXG/p, will be active June 20th
to 22nd from Pellworm Island (EU-042, GIA N-23 for the German Islands Award,
Loc. JO44im) and Pellworm Island Lighthouse (No.40 for the German Lighthouse
Award, FED-187). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [Tnx DE0MST]

20/06/2003:  The "Caracas DX-Group"/ARV will be active as YW8D from the
Island of La Cotorra (SA-063), located at the east-coast of Venezuela in the
Orinoco-delta, June 20th to 24th. Activity will be on all bands CWand SSB.
QSL via W4SO (maildrop!). [Tnx OPDX]

21/06/2003:  International DXpedition "Summer 2003 in 9A" is organized by
President of CIHG and WLH checkpoint Kresimir, 9A7K; WLH Manager Phil,
F5OGG, and Branko, 9A6BND, all members of Croatian IOTA Hunters Group - 9A 0
LH. They will be active from many Croatian lighthouses and islands between
June 21 and June 30, 2003. During this activity they will use the following
call signs: 9A7K, 9A6BND, 9A/F5OGG/p and 9A0LH. QSL's via the individual's
home callsign; 9A0LH via 9A7K. The following islands and lighthouses will be
activated: Vis Island (EU-016, CI-142, Grid JN83); Bisevo Island (EU-016,
CI-007) and Kobila Lighthouse (LH-901, CLH-050, WW Loc. JN82ax); Host Islet
(EU-016, CI-174) and lighthouse (LH-0938, CLH-039, WW Loc. JN83cb); Barjak
Mali Islet (EU-016, CI-399) and lighthouse (LH-1219, CLH-008, WW Loc.
JN83ab); Palagruza Island (EU-090, CI-084) and lighthouse (LH-0057, CLH-100,
WW Loc. JN82dj); Susac Island (EU-136, CI-109) and Kanula lighthouse
(LH-1430, CLH-047, WW Loc. JN82fs); Blitvenica Reef (NOT IOTA, CI-156) and
lighthouse (LH-0913, CLH-014, WW Loc. JN73so); Prisnjak Islet (NOT IOTA,
CI-374) and lighthouse (LH-1492, CLH-110, WW Loc. JN73st); Mulo Reef (NOT
IOTA, CI-458) and lighthouse (LH-0137, CLH-085, WW Loc. JN73xm); Murvica
Islet (NOT IOTA, CI-457) and lighthouse (LH-0806, CLH-091, WW Loc. JN83al);
Babac Islet (EU-170, CI-005) and lighthouse (LH-0831, CLH-004, WW Loc.
JN73qw); Grebeni Reefs (EU-016, CI-174) and lighthouse (LH-0483, CLH-036, WW
Loc. JN92ap); Daksa Islet (EU-016, CI-165) and lighthouse (LH-0111, CLH-017,
WW Loc. JN92aq); Sveti Andrija Islet (EU-016, CI-216) and lighthouse
(LH-0388, CLH-143, WW Loc. JN82xp); Susak Island (EU-136, CI-108) and Garba
lighthouse (LH-0444, CLH-031, WW Loc. JN74dm); Pasman Island (EU-170,
CI-085, Grid JN73); Ugljan Island (EU-170, CI-134, Grid JN73): Murter Island
(NOT IOTA, CI-074, Grid JN73); Cres Island (EU-136, CI-012, Grid JN75); and
Losinj Island (EU-136, CI-058, Grid JN74). [Tnx 9A7K]

21/06/2003:  Look for JJ8DEN/6 to be QRV June 21st to 23rd from Amami Island
(AS-023). Activity will be on HF bands, CW and RTTY. QSL via JJ8DEN either
via the bureau or direct to Yoshitake Izumi, Minami-24-7, Nishi-1,
Obihiro-City, Hokkaido, 080-0011 JAPAN. [Tnx F5NQL]

23/06/2003:  Look for Francois, F8DVD, to be active from Djerba island
(AF-083), Tunisia, using the call sign of the Djerba Scouts Radio Club,
3V8SM. Dates: from June 23rd to July 4th. Bands and mode: HF, SSB. QSL: by
special permision of Mustapha, DL1BDF, who's the coordinator for Scout Radio
Clubs organization in Tunisia, all the cards for Francois' operation will go
to him, either direct or via the French Bureau. Please write "via F8DVD/71"
on the cards going through the bureau. For direct cards please send also
envelope and return postage dues. All the direct cards with insufficient
return postage dues will be answered by the bureau. Francois BERGEZ, 6 rue
Liberte, 71000 MACON, FRANCE. Remember that there has been a postage
increase in Fance and $1USD will NOT cover postage to North America. Include
2 GS for direct replies. [Tnx F5NQL]

26/06/2003:  James, VE3TPZ/p, will be attempting to put Byng Island
Conservation Area (ON-037) during a stop over on June 26th. He will operate
during the late afternoon hours from Approximately 19:00 to 02:00 UTC. He
will be on most HF bands, near the IOTA, CIsA and Lighthouse frequencies.
Note: James could be called away at any time during this time period as he
is assisting as a Communications Operator during the Braunstorm Bicycle
Tour. [Tnx VE3TPZ]

27/06/2003:  Don, KC8UWG, just heard from Coast Guard District 9 HQ and he
has been granted permission to use White Shoal lighthouse (USA-886, Emmet
County, Loc. EN75ku), Michigan, during Field Day (June 28). Look for Don,
and David, KB9IVB, to be QRV as KC8UWG/P, June 27th and 28th. [Tnx KB9IVB]

28/06/2003:  The South Bristol ARC will be active as GB2BLE from Lundy
Island (IOTA EU-120, WAB SS14 - IO71) during June 28th through July 5th.
Activity will be on HF SSB only, 6 meters SSB/FM and 2 meters FM. More
details can be found on the Web page at: http://www.draxium.com/gb2ble .
[Tnx OPDX]

30/06/2003:  Eric, SM1TDE/p, will be QRV June 30th to August 15th from
Gotland Island (EU-020). Activity will be on 160 through 2 meters, mainly
CW. Eric also plans to participate in the IOTA Contest as SM1T. QSL via
SM1TDE (preferably via bureau). [Tnx 425DXN]
Laurent, F8BBL, reports the following:
All the QSL's F6KNL/P for our QSY on the island of Oléron and the island of
D EU-032 in May 2003 (via F0DVX) are printed and were sent via office or

The QSL's TM7A (via F8BBL) for Le banc d'Arguin EU-159 (May 29, 2003) will
be printed this week and will leave via office or direct at the beginning of
next week.
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Join ICPO e-Group: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/icpo.html

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