At 10:21 PM 4/7/02 -0400, William Hinkle wrote:
...So it would be nice if you could make DX4WIN look both ways (either 
first confirmed or last confirmed). I'm sure I am not the only one who has 
sorted his DXCC countries this way. I also have 5BDXCC confirmed, 5BWAZ 
(189 worked 185 confirmed) and close to 5BWAS worked,(Not really chasing 
this one). All of these cards are just in file boxes and not in any order 
other than DX and State side.

I just double-checked the manual and the help files and I'm pretty sure 
Bill's right, there is no way to do this currently.

I may be hallucinating, but I think I remember that at one time you could 
tell the program, when compiling an award submission, to select a 
particular qualifying QSL rather than simply choosing the most recent.  My 
record-keeping is bad enough so that I can't count on finding either the 
first or the last card received.  But if I find an 80m 3B9 in the box, for 
example, I'd like to be able to decide to submit it, without hunting for 
the other one the program "knows" is there.

So, how about allowing the operator to choose from among most recent, 
oldest, and user-selected -- perhaps the latter could be done by inserting 
a special code into the QSO notes(?). 

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