Recognizing that there is little other than training that can be done about:
1) Those that spot the dx frequency and not the qsx frequency resulting in
many people clicking on the spot and transmitting on the dx frequency.
2) Those that use the cluster for their private chat room.
3) QSL and other important information is sometimes lost when the next spot
replaces it.
4) Those that post the wrong call signs or have problems with O and 0
5) Most people don't know that DX4WIN has a spot test mode that allows
people to try out different spots without actually putting a test spot out
on the cluster.  You can check out how your system responds to a P5 without
causing 150,000 alarms to go off world-wide. It would be wonderful if all
software had this feature.

If you put your TNC in monitor and set DX4WIN up for sorting spots by
arrival, then all local cluster spots are put on the screen at the same time
and none replace the other ones.  Although they may not be in the correct
time order, you can quickly look through the spots and see the QSX
frequency, QSL manager when posted, etc.  This eliminates worthless spots
replacing good ones and gives a lot more information available to look at
trends. The same can be done for Internet or Telnet spots without a TNC.

I thought it was a very nice feature while a dx-expedition is operating,
although spots by arrival were obviously intended for a different purpose.
Please reply to the list if you have any other ideas that work well.

Unfortunately it does nothing for the frequency policemen, intentional
interference, tuner uppers, wrong vfo, those that have to talk on the dx
frequency or yell up, lid, profanity, etc.

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