

Should do the trick the letters after the % are case sensitive.

If you go to <HELP><SEARCH FOR HELP ON...><FIND> and then put in <%>, you 
will find all of the "control character" info.  And don't forget it is case 
sensitive. %M works %m doesn't.

I put this out to everyone because it can be hard to find this info when 
your not sure what your looking for , even I forget where the info is in 
the help files sometimes and I use the RTTY commands a lot 8^).


At 08:55 PM 4/16/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Good Evening:
>I want to use the PK-232 with dx4win in the RTTY mode.  I need to set up 
>the function keys to One. Key the Radio and transmit Data, and than unkey 
>the radio to listen..   EG  (KEY) DE N9BX N9BX N9BX (Unkey) My problem is 
>what do I put in the settings is it a % sign and what is the command, I 
>know dumb as I can get it to work with writelog.  Thanks a Million.
>Bruce N9BX
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