I recently went over the official ARRL DXCC countries list
and compared it to the list you get with F1 in the countries field of DX4WIn.

Here are some changes I would like to make.

1.  Antarctica is listed as CE9 in the DXCC list, KC4 in DX4Win.
     The only reason to change that is to maintain the same alphabetical order 
as ARRL.

2.  Franz Josef Land is listed as R1FJ in the DXCC list, 4K2 in DX4Win.
     I only have 2 qso's - R1FJV and UA3PAC/P
     Since 4K2 doesn't appear to be used shouldn't it be changed?

3.  Malyj Vysotskij Is is listed as R1MV in the DXCC list, 4J1 in DX4Win.
     Again I have 9 qso's with R1MVI recently and would like to change this
      on the basis that it's in actual use.

4.  Ukraine is listed as UR in the DXCC list, EM in DX4Win.
      This one is very confusing - I don't know where EM came from.
      My Ukraine qso's mostly start with UR.
      It's easier to associate UR with Ukraine than EM.
      EM is frequently used as a prefix for Antarctic stations!

All the rest are close enough and keep to the same alphabetical order as
the official ARRL countries list.

I would change these in my personal countries database.
Does this make good sense or am I tweaking needlessly?

Your comments please.

73, Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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