I ran into the same situation and gave up printing on QSL cards with 
5.03.  I still have old Version 5.02 on my computer and use it to print my 
cards.  However, I don't know if the Version 5.03 log (.dxl) file is a 
backward compatible format for Version 4.07.  Someone else will have to 
answer that for us.
Bob - N9SF

At 02:09 PM 12/19/2002 +1300, Jennings wrote:
>Hi all
>I have been using DX4Win since version 1.12, then 4.07 and have just 
>updated to 5.03. I have my system set up so that I print directly onto my 
>QSLs with no labels involved and it has worked beautifully for several 
>years on version 4.07. The parameters are landscape with portrait 
>"unchecked" and "method" off. The first QSL printed works perfectly and 
>the next QSLs, no matter how many are printed, automatically switch to 
>portrait mode after the first print and of course the QSL doesn't print 
>correctly. If I go to the preview screen you can actually watch the first 
>page print in landscape and the second page will switch to portrait mode.
>The interesting thing about this problem is that my parameters and my 
>Dx4win.lab file works perfectly in version 4.07 and doesn't switch. If I 
>use the same file and copy it over to version 5.03 the problem arises. The 
>file supplied with 5.03 does the same thing. I am using an HPIII LaserJet. 
>The same problem occurs with a late model Canon bubblejet I can use.
>I went into the archives of this reflector and there was a lot of 
>discussion and threads about a year ago on this same problem. I was not 
>able to find an answer except try all the suggestions that were made at 
>that time and I wonder if anyone resolved the problem or found a solution 
>for the switching of modes from landscape to portrait after the first 
>print. It is frustrating to say the least. I suspect that the bug is one 
>of the first print in any batch on the preview screen is the "method" 
>print and then it switches to printing QSLs. I could go through life 
>printing one QSL at a time but life is to short for the volume of QSLs I 
>send out!!!
>The noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog;
>it feeds the hand that bites it.
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