Don Hinte wrote:

>Hi All,

>I made a post about 9:22am CST, about QSL card and how I use DX4WIN. I some
>responses about eQSL being NO GOOD.

>Well, I have over 55 cards that have been mail to me from eQSL that have
>been used for DXCC, CQDX, W100N, and AMSAT. All have been good cards

What Don wrote and what the ARRL tells me are two different things.  To
date, no eQSL has been accepted by the ARRL in spite of the above message.
Here is the current policy just received from Bill Moore at the DXCC Desk:

Recent discussion regarding the QSL service offered by eQSL.ccTM suggests
that there is some confusion about ARRL QSL policy. Simply put, there has
been no change in League policy regarding eQSLs. ARRL does not accept QSLs
that have been transmitted to the recipient via electronic means for its
awards. Anyone, acting as an authorized QSL manager, however, may receive
logs via email (or any other direct means) and send QSL cards, via post
mail, to recipients. This is the traditional QSL manager process. As has
always been the case, certain norms are expected when handling cards in this

First, we expect that a QSL manager will seek permission from operators for
whom QSLs are handled. We do not accept cards from unauthorized QSL managers
for DXCC credit. Such an authorization must be a pro-active choice of the DX
station rather than an "opt out," default authority given to a bulk mailer.

Second, since most operators requesting QSLs expect that the returned cards
will correctly reflect the actual QSO data, we expect that a QSL manager
will do the checking required to assure that only real contacts are
verified. We all know that raw logs contain many errors. A recent sample
from a bulk-mailing QSL service show three out of five QSOs confirmed were
not in the recipient's log. This is unacceptable. Often, these errors are
only detected when incoming cards are compared to the log. The distribution
of QSLs, without any checking of the information contained on the incoming
cards, is poor QSLing practice, and may lead to blanket rejection of all QSL
cards from the station/manager in question.

Also, we expect to be able to identify cards as authentic. Many cards are
printed on home printers, and in many cases, the data is printed on card
stock at the same time. Although this is technically acceptable, the process
often makes verification difficult. In certain cases we may reject these
cards. Cards should be personalized or otherwise made unique through the use
of a stamp or other personal mark (signature or initials) across a label

Finally, the concept of obtaining a QSL card at no charge is a long-held
tradition in ham radio and DXCC, and we endeavor to continue this tradition.
QSL managers handling cards for DXCC submission must make cards available if
adequate postage is supplied. Postage can be supplied by sending IRCs,
direct funds, or SASEs. We consider it an ethics violation if cards can only
be claimed through payment of a fee, and thus we will not accept cards for
DXCC credit for which a fixed charge is made. A number of well-known
DXpeditioners and QSL managers do not accept bureau cards, but we are not
aware of any cases where a card will not be forthcoming if adequate postage
is provided.

For its awards, the ARRL does not accept electronically transmitted QSLs
that are printed by the recipient. There is no restriction placed on how log
information is conveyed to an authorized QSL manager, however. Cards
provided by QSL managers who make a reasonable effort to comply with the
guidelines presented here will be gladly accepted for DXCC credit.


I don't know how any more plain this can be.  I am not trying to stir up a
hornets next but the bottom line is no cards to date for any ARRL award have
been accepted if they are eQSLs.


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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