Would some kind DX4WINer please post the instructions, (for the umpteen 
time,) for adding a new DXCC country, ie; Ducie)

Thanks and good hunting, (and logging)

Todd, W9YK

At 10:22 AM 2/12/2002 +0000, Vlad UA6JD wrote:

>Last ones for DXCC was 4W and VP6D (? - prefix not confirm yet)
>Prefix : VP6D
>Country name: Ducie Island
>Zone CQ :32
>Start date :16.11.2001
>IOTA : OC182
>ITU :63
>Long :124.48 West
>Lat :24.39 South
>Jac> Does anyone have the settings needed to add Ducie Island to the DX4Win
>Jac> country info (or are these archived anywhere). Also, were there any 
>other new
>Jac> countries added between East Timor and Ducie?
>Jac> 73 de Jay/W2KD
>Best regards,
>  Vlad UA6JD
>Dx4win mailing list

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