I've been using DX4WIN for several years now. Before, I had been using the
DOS based german software PC-Profilog and the Windows 3.11 version of
WinHAM. I'm very pleased with the DX4WIN features, but the programs I used
earlier on had a few features which are on my personal DX4WIN wish list.

1) By entering or importing a QSO from a contest software package (i.e.
Super Duper and CT), PC-Profilog automatically turned on the QSL label flag
when the entered or imported QSO was the first one with that given band/mode
combination. If a station had previously been  worked in the same band/mode
combination, the label flag was turned off automatically.

2) WinHAM (no longer existing) offered you the possibilty of dispalying all
worked and/or confirmed grid squares (the complete maidenhead locator, not
just the first four letters/digits) on a world map and several continental
and country maps. To do so, it put small squares on the different maps. It
gave you a nice idea where all the stations you worked were actually
located. I agree this just may seem fancy to some of you, but I always found
it appealing to see a map of e.g. Germany, Canada, New Zealand or even
Belgium displaying all those grid squares one had worked and/or confirmed.

3) PC-Profilog incorporates membershiplists of many clubs. All of them can
be easily updated (see http://www.klaussauder.de/f11dat.htm) or altered. The
program even offers the possibilty of putting the several membershipnumbers
in the "remark record line" when entering a callsign (although this slowed
down the program remarkably). Users also can add membershiplist which are of
interest to them (allowing e.g. to see immediatly if a QSO is valid for a
specific club award such as the Franford Radio Club award or Worked Diploma
Interests Group Members award).

Like I stated, I'm very pleased with the overall features of DX4WIN, but
being an avid award hunter, the above mentioned items just could make DX4WIN
even more "the way logging software should be"...

73 de Egbert
UBA Award Manager

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