I operated the ARRL CW DX contest using TRLog
as it's more contest oriented and then imported the QSO's
to a new DX4Win file so I could work with it before
the final merge to my regular log file.

All went OK  ;-)

Now I would like to mark every qso's in the new log
in Notes for this QSO with a notation like
"2002 ARRL DX Contest CW".

I've looked at the various drop down menus and the help file
but found nothing that pertains.  I know DX4Win has the ability
to make mass changes but am not sure how to go about
this particular change.

I really don't want to paste the string into nearly 2,000 Q's!

Any help appreciated.

Thanks, Larry N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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