Hello DX4WIN-ers,

I installed Windows XP today and have the following problem: computer does
not see the radio on port 4 (it is on add PCI card). But other software
(WriteLog and MMTTY) works right and I can control the radio via COM 4.
Next, when I press F9 key (even if radio is desabled in preferences of
DX4WIN) I get the warning window with information: "Could not open CW
driver" - after press OK the same warning window pop-up for second time. It
closes, when I press OK again. But I do not use "CW Keyer Interface" option
in "Radio" setup under preferences (even I am CW guy).

I reinstalled DX4WIN and still the same......

My setup is: Windows XP Home Edition, AMD Athlon 1,4, 512MB RAM, FT-1000MP.

Do I need any extra driver? What do you think about this problem?

Best 73's
Pawel, SP7PS
SN7N in contests

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