It's got the one I've been waiting for - NEW BAND.  Thanks!


On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:52:19 -0500 Paul van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I have reviewed many suggestions to change / improve the color 
> scheme
> for the spotting window. Some of these suggestions are in conflict 
> with each
> other, some come from the novice DXers others from honor roll 
> members etc.
> So I hope that the following proposal makes sense, and covers most 
> of 
> your needs. 
> To support this, I have added 2 more categories, a column in the 
> spotting window
> indicating the priority (1..8) and the ability to change the font 
> color and the
> background color.
> If you have any comments, thoughts etc. please reply to the 
> reflector only, and
> on this topic only. There were plenty of other proposals for new 
> features (for
> which I keep a separate email folder), but this is now my highest 
> priority.
> Paul
> ------------------------------------
> All the following categories take the station
> band / mode settings and the award settings
> for bands and modes into account. Also, when you
> only allow for spots from certain countries and/or zones
> that filter will be applied as well.
> (Substitute country by Zone or by WPX prefix for the
>  other color schemes available)
> Modes refers to major modes only (Phone, CW and RTTY)
> 1  New country or callsign alert
>    Callsign alert is not limited by station or award band/mode
>    or spotter country/zone
> 2  Country not confirmed
>    (The same callsign and band/mode combination is category 8)
> 3  New band
>    Never worked this country on this band
> 4  New mode
>    Never worked this country using this mode
> 5  New band/mode combination
>    Never worked this country using this band/mode combination
> 6  Worked one or more stations using this band/mode
>    combination but none of these contacts have been confirmed.
>    (The same callsign and band/mode combination is category 8)
> 7  Did not work this callsign in this band/mode combination
> 8  The rest
>    A. Worked this callsign in this band/mode combination
>    B. The band/mode combination is not enabled in station
>       preferences or for the award
>    C. The spot came from a region (country or zone) that
>       was not enabled.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)
> _______________________________________________
> Dx4win mailing list

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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