Hi Everyone. This is my first real week of using dx4win after converting
from dxbase. Life has become instantly easier.

However, I have noticed a problem with internet spots. I'm a CW only op and
have my prefs setup to reflect that under all categories. A spot came in
this evening:

DX de N4ZH:       7002.9  FM5GU        Dennis, Qsl via KU9C        FM 0040Z

It was listed as gray, i.e. not needed. However, a quick check of the memory
banks and the logbook shows that I do in fact need this country on 40m. (not
that I can work him.. at least until I get my extra)

Clicking on the spot and then typing CTRL-L to listen, set the radio to
7.002.9 FM, not CW. I'm guessing the spots are being parsed for information
in the notes field, but perhaps it's parsed as a whole. In which case, the
FM prefix was used as the mode.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?

73 de W2SUQ

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