Don't know abt the DX4WIN version, but some other pgms 
sometimes crash if you don't turn off Windows' sounds first. Go to 
Control Panel and turn off Sounds, then click Apply. See if that 
does the trick.
Barry W2UP

On 11 Jul 02, at 9:54, Kurt W. Zimmerman wrote:

> Greetings all;
>  I have been using DX4WIN v. 5.03 for quite some time on my COMPAQ
>  Armada 
> 7800, 128m ram, 333mhz processor.  I just recently started using the
> PSK31 feature in DX4WIN.  I have had a problem where by the PSK31
> display would freeze up when trying to transmit.  The odd thing about
> it would be that I'd transmit a few times successfully, then about the
> 3rd or 4th transmit, the rig would be in TRANSMIT mode and the
> waterfall display and spectrum display would freeze up.  If I close
> the PSK31 display, then reopen it, I would get the following error:
> Error starting soundcard.  Device already started.
>  Once I clicked on TX twice, I found that closing the PSK31 window and
> reopening it restores normal operation.
> Anyone have the same type of problem?  BTW, I've tried other PSK31
> interfaces and they seem to work without problems.  Any thoughts would
> be greatly appreciated.
>  73;
> Kurt - W2MW
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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