Thanks to all for your suggestions on going the ADIF route... it works =
like a champ.  Except...

I have over 500 contest QSOs all worked at 5W or less and logged in =
Writelog.  Since I track QRP qsos for DXCC, etc., I want to set the QRP =
flag on these when I import them.  This does not appear to be easily =
done.  I don't see a related field in the ADIF spec, nor do I know if =
DX4WIN would recognize an ADIF QRP flag or if it did, what it would =
expect it to be.

I'm guessing I'll have to do this somehow offline, perhaps in Excel?  Or =
is there an easier way that I am just missing?  I even looked at =
importing these as a special Group, but then I don't see how I could get =
DX4WIN to set all the QRP flags in that Group of qsos.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again,
Steve AK0M

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