Thank you very much for the quick response regarding the computer =
control of my TS2000.

The problems were cured mainly based on two different advices:

a) An updated .rig file that was mailed to me.
b) The RST box must be checked in the radio setup window.

Now everything is working OK.=20
Thanks everybody for the help.

Now I have the next question:

I am used to working DX4WIN connected to a cluster on the 2m band and is =
very fond of the possibility to set the radio to the cluster frequensy =
with a mouse click on the cluster station. I will now try to setup the =
TS2000 in this way.

I intend to use the TS2000 sub band for packet connection to the 2m band =
cluster via DX4WIN and also use the computer to control the main band =
via DX4WIN.

As I understand the computer can only control the radio via the radio =
COM port and not the built in TNC simultaneusly.
My solution will be to use an external TNC (KAM) connected to the ACC2 =
connector. Audio output from sub-receiver to TNC on pin-1 (SANO), PTT =
connected to pin-9 (PKS) and audio input from TNC to sub-transmitter on =
pin-11 (PKD), ground to pin-4/pin-8.

I will then work the cluster station on the main band via SSB,CW, RTTYor =
PSK31 without the need to shut of the sub-band.

Basically I will use the TS2000 as a twin radio setup. I hope this is =
possible, but before using a lot of work to make a trial and error test, =
please help me with information of your setup.

73 de Erik/SM0JCA

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