Just wondering if it is possible to make the filter function effective when
doing QSL labels. I have a small number of Qs marked for labels at the
moment but have an even smaller portion of those that I would like to
process right now. Looks like my options are, 1) Process them all, or 2)
Manually deselect the ones I don't want to do now and then manually put them
back in, neither of which is nearly as appealing as just filtering the ones
I want. Same thing applies when doing a DXCC Submission function. Sure would
be nice to be able to do that on filtered data, especially when trying to
work around the $0.20 per card over 120 limit (or whatever the correct
numbers are :--)  ). I can see myself doing multiple filtered passes on the
log and trimming the fat in between runs to get the card count I am looking
for. Those are just the two occasions that come to mind at the moment. There
are probably other times when it would be handy too. Or, have I completely
overlooked something and the way to accomplish what I'm trying to do already

But regardless, DX4Win is still the best damn logging program going !!

Mike / W8DN
DX4Win Since Ver 0.97

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