The way DX4WIN's country file is set up, if you just download a 
new version from time to time, you will lose any customization 
(callsign exceptions) you've entered. In my case, I have lots of 
obsolete Russian calls (and some others) from the 70s entered, 
and correctly identified, that will get all screwed up if I don't 
maintain my own updates. 

How often do new countries come along? Is it that big a deal to 
maintain your own database, and add a new one once very few 
Barry W2UP

On 7 May 02, at 8:38, Goody wrote:

> The original poster was a bit cocky, but it isn't unreasonable to
> expect updated database files on the website.  Most other logging
> programs vendors do it.  While I'm computer literate and know how to
> maintain the files, I shouldn't have to wade through reflector
> archives or subscribe to a reflector to get database updates.  It's
> not that I'm lazy, I just like to work smart, not hard :-)  I'm
> tempted to write a script to do a diff (comparison) between my
> database files and other logging programs' database files that are
> available for download...just for the fun of it, so it's not about the
> effort involved.
> You can't copy lawnmower blades and FTP them to a website.  Sure would
> be nice, though.
> Goody
> K3NG
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 07:15
> Subject: Re: [Dx4win] Country Database
> > I paid for a ride-on lawnmower, version 4, but I don't seem to get
> > anything in the way of lawn mowing support.
> >
> > Does anyone out there have a reasonably competent lawnmower
> > guy they can supply?
> >
> > I'm not a big gun Lawnmowing person.  I just putter around and
> > mow the lawn every once in a while.  So I don't have the interest in
> > maintaining my lawnmower.  Why should I?  I paid for the lawnmower,
> > and there are folks out there that are much better at maintaining
> > them than I am!
> >
> > I mowed a lawn.  It came out terrible. I tried to replace the
> > blades, but nothing seems to work.
> >
> > Please don't bother replying with a list of detailed step-by-step
> > instructions on how to fix my mower.  I have no interest in learning
> > this: my mower is probably out-of-date: and even if I fixed this
> > one, I'd forget how to do it by the next time I needed to use it.
> >
> >
> > Rick VE1GN
> >
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> > Dx4win mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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