HI All,

F1 = HELP .... ..
F2 = CONFIRM qso WHEN qsl arrived  &/or LABEL depending on settings in
preferences TAB F2KEY
F3 = Search external data (cdrom etc)
F5 = Next window size
F8 = Search logbook
Shift + F8 = Search using old filter settings
F9 = Add real time
F10 = Update qso
F11 = Shorth path activation for rotator
CTRL + F11 = Long path for rotator
ALT + F11 = Stop rotator
F12 = clear qso
ALT + A = Announce DX
ALT + B = Backup log
ALT + S = Save log
ALT + 3 = PSK31 window
ALT + P =  Switch to packet
ALT + K =  CW keyboard
CTRL + DEL = Delete QSO

73 Guy ON4AOI

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