No succes either, rather difficult to setup instead of what is told on the
website (less than a minute ?)
The maker also do not allow enough room to evaluate, only ten minutes and
one cluster, yeah right ...
I one like to sell something, he should know people like us like to test and
evaluate it somewhat more then 10 minutes and having to restart the program
all the time, more, it can prove itself as a good integration into contest
and dx stations, but only will be taken seriously as good software it one
can test it good.

For the moment, I stick with the build in telnet client in DX4win

Phil ON4VP

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:28 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] DX4WIN and SpotCollector from DXLabs

> Has anyone had success in integrating the DXLab "Spot Collector" program
> into DX4WIN?  I use DXTELNET currently to bring spots into DX4WIN, but it
> looks like the Spot Collector program has a lot of interesting
> capabilities, like multiple DX Spot channels, statistics of recent
> spots/band, a 30 day history of the solar activity, and several other nice
> features - the best, of course, is that it is free!  I received a note
> a ham saying that there is a 50 channel spot program, called DX Cluster
> Concentrator which will integrate into DX4WIN, but it costs $50.  Anyone
> interested can find the DXLabs software for Spot Collector at:
> The DX Cluster Concentrator software site is at:
> 73,
> Joe
> WL7M
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