At 01:59 PM 10/25/2002 -0400, Jack Shirley wrote:
>Don't trust the clock in your computer ... its very poor.
>If you are connected to the internet, download Dimesion 4 and synchronize 
>every minute.
>A good link:
>Good luck. N8DX

While I agree that updating using something like Dimension 4 (which I use 
at home and like very much) is a good thing to do, updating once a minute 
not only isn't necessary, but can tax the master clocks that provide this 
service. I've found that updating every 4 hours works to keep me well 
within a second of the "official" time, I wouldn't recommend updating any 
more frequently than perhaps every hour if you had a situation with a bad 

Although the network traffic caused by a single PC isn't much, when you 
multiple that by hundreds of thousands or more, you can see the problem. If 
everyone updated once a minute, it could tax the ability of the clocks to 
provide the service.

         David, K2DBK

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