Running 5.03, and have been for some time.  Everything has been fine until
this morning when my system suffered an outage with DX4WIN up.  When I
powered the system up again, I got a warning message from DX4WIN saying:
"Incompatible DXSPOT file ignored.".  The result was that the spot window
wouldn't open.  So, I changed the packet interface from a com port to
TCP/IP, and was able to connect to an Internet source and receive spots OK.
However, when I changed back to a com port for the  spot source, DX4WIN
doesn't seem to be communicating with the TNC.  Tried deleting and
reinstalling the com port in Win XP and that went OK.  Still no ability to
communicate with DX4WIN through the port.  Any ideas what to try next?

Floyd Sense in Angier, NC

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