Go to REPORTS|CHANGE AWARD FLAGS and clear your submitted flags.

I just finished my 5BWAS. (Very difficult from ZL!) and submitted it but
took a different approach. I set up a GROUP number for each of the bands and
picked my card for the band rather than letting the program do it. I was
able to print a separate sheet for each band (A requirement of the award
checker) and all went very well


Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Gauthier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:51 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] UN_submitting for WAS

I have been a ham for a long time, but have never applied for any of the WAS
awards (being mostly a DX kinda' guy). However, two months ago I got serious
about finishing 5B-WAS, and am getting pretty close to being done. I have
WAS on three modes (RTTY, CW, phone) and only need 7 more QSL cards to have
all 50 states on all 5 bands. So, my plan for the pilgrimage to the local
WAS-card-checker will be to apply for simultaneous 5B-WAS and WAS

Unfortunately, while looking at the WAS awards menu last week, I selected
<R>eports, <W>as, <S>ubmission. Now the WAS listing is filled with the
letter "S" in the chart's MIX, RTTY, PHONE, CW, and 10M columns. Since I
don't intend to file a submission until I get those last 7 cards, how can I
"undo" the submission listing? Are the records for those QSOs all tagged as
the WAS submission? What if I want to use other QSO's cards when it's 5B-WAS
time? Will it even matter when I get all of the cards for 5B-WAS and select
5B-WAS submission?


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