Is SAt marked in your Preferences ?

73 Guy ON4AOI

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Dannals" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] All my satellite QSOs are missing!

> Just upgraded to v 6.01 from 5.03.  I moved a copy of log over from 5.03
SAVE directory to the 6.01 SAVE directory.  Looked at my country totals,
they are a bit off (1 here or there lower; presumably need to do something
with merging the old and new country file).
> But the big problem is that all my satellite QSOs are missing.  They don't
even show up in the 6.01 version . . . like they never existed!  But they do
show up just fine in 5.03.
> Thoughts?
> 73, Bob - W2GG
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Robert F. Dannals, Ph.D.        Division of Nuclear Medicine
>        Professor, Radiology              Johns Hopkins Medicine
>               PET Center       600 North Wolfe Street, Nelson B1-150
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Baltimore, MD   21287-0816
>        phone: (410) 955-2916               fax: (410) 955-0691
>       beeper: (410) 283-7057      Alphapage: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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