Since installing DX4win 6.01, the program has quit running three times when
doing an Alt-S save.  Immediately on pressing Alt-S, the program terminated
instantly, with no warning.

The first two times it happened, I had just modified the Prefix field of a
QSO already in my log, which was incorrect.  After changing the Prefix, I
did an F10 save of the QSO, and then my usual keystroke Alt-S to save the
log.  When I restarted DX4WIN, the change to the prefix had not been saved.
I redid the change of the QSO prefix, and then tried the menu File/Save
command, and it saved it with no problem.

The third time happened shortly after I had deleted several packet spots
from the DX spots window.  I made no changes to the log, but pressed the
Alt-S to save, since I saw the black "modified" prompt at the top of the
main Window.  Again the program crashed without warning.

This is an intermittent problem -- sometimes I can do an Alt-S save with no
problem.  I'm running DX4WIN on a Dell 2.4 GHz machine with 512 MB of RAM,
and had never experienced such a crash under version 5.03.  I'm trying to
determine if this is an issue with version 6.01 or if there is something
about my setup, or other programs running that is creating the problem.  Has
anyone else experienced this with version 6.01?  Thanks for your help.

73, Cliff  K0CA

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