There are two searches I would like to be able to do
but I am not sure how to do them in DX4WIN.

1) Determine all the unique callsigns that match a 
query like "*10-10*" in the Notes for callsign window.
By unique I mean list each callsign only once in the
resultant list.  I would not need the band and date
info just what is static to the callsign.  If you are
not sure why this query is useful think about looking
up all the different 10-10 or Elecraft radios you have
worked for their CC awards.

2) Find all the callsigns that I have not mailed a QSL
card to that would help me gain an award like WAS CW.
Could even be a list of the just the states I have not

I ask about the WAS because I know that my search will
grow larger once I start after DXCC.


   -Kent Henneuse K6ENT

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