I don't see it's broken now... I've tried it here and it works fine on
the COM port... It works fine on the LPT port...

The only issue that I've seen raised is if one is using a different
radio for digital modes... Otherwise why would you need more than one
port to handle PTT. What am I missing?

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of WC7N
Sent: March 16, 2003 4:47 PM
To: DX4WIN Group
Subject: [Dx4win] PSK change is DX4WIN 6.02

I am sure glad to see this subject being discussed.  I felt why if it
isn't broke fix it but then was kind of told I was an idiot for thinking
this wasn't a better way.

I still feel "IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT."  and it wasn't broke.

But thankfully there are other PSK-31 program.

Rod WC7N

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