You can just copy the driver.... No need to re-install... File
attached... Instructions below...

The file I attached is the one distributed with 6.02... But I'm pretty
sure it works with all versions... No harm in trying... Don't forget to
delete or more/rename vich11.vxd, the 95/98 driver...

FAQ: I get an error that the port driver cannot be found 

This error indicates that the port driver, the program that 'talks' to
the LPT port, is missing. 

This typically happens when you copy all the DX4WIN files to a new
computer without installing the port driver. You can correct this
problem by copying the port driver to the correct directory. 

There are two port drivers: one for Win/NT, Win/2000 and Win/XP, the
second one for Win/95, Win/98, Win/SE etc. When the correct driver is
not available, you can still retrieve the driver from the DX4WIN
installation program. You can retrieve individual files from the
installation program dx4w602.exe. Add the /X parameter on a DOS command
prompt, or create a link to the install program and add this parameter. 

See Appendix Files: portdriver for the name of the driver. 

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of ON4AOI
Sent: May 4, 2003 7:10 AM
Cc: DX4WIN reflector
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] CW with Windows xP with version 5.03

Hi Roger,

You have to reinstal DX4WIN because the CW driver needs to be installed
in WINXP/system etc

After that you can copy your complete backup back to the same directory

73 Guy ON4AOI

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----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] CW with Windows xP with version 5.03

> Hi,
> I have just upgraded a computer from Win98SE to xP with the idea of 
> then going up to version 6. BUT  I now get the message;
> "Cannot open CW Driver."
> As a backup I copied the complete directory from the Radio Computer to

> the Office machine.  The CW Keyer works fine from this second machine 
> running
> Windows ME.
> The same thing has happened to my laptop with the upgrade from 98 to 
> xP.
> Thank you and 73
> Roger, g3kwk.
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