Band stored when logging a QSO:
I recently upgraded to version 6.03 and when logging a QSO without having a
CAT system connected but only a telnet cluster it stores the band info of
the last DX cluster spot instead of the band I selected. Previous version is
worked fine. If I connect the CAT system it works fine but that should not
be necessary I guess.

Assigning Groups:
In the past I never used groups for the different call signs I have used.
When I go to the Multiple QSO Operations I select a date range, double click
on one of the callsigns, it get a cross in front of it, when I click Update
I expect that all QSO records within that range will be updated, nothing
happen. The only global option which works if I change it for all QSO
records. Any idea? Or is it a bug?

Any help is appreciated,

73 Rob PA2R

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