I just reinstalled dx4win on a new drive.  I copied my log file from a
backup disk and opened the file with DX4WIN.  When I checked the DXCC
Listing and Summary I noticed that my totals were not correct.  After
further investigation I realized that all the QSO's in my log for which
the default DX4WIN prefix was incorrect and for which I had corrected
them were incorrect once again.  For example, I worked FO/AC4LN while he
was on Austral Island.  I changed the prefix for those QSO's from FO to
FO/A so that DX4WIN correctly indicated Austral Island.  I did this with
at least a dozen other calls like AY1ZA (on VP8/O), TO4E, etc.  I had at
least 20 or 30 QSO's for which I had to manually change the prefix/DXCC
entity.  I assumed this information was part of the log file and would
migrate to my new drive with my log file.  Unfortunately, it didn't.
The manual changes must be kept in some other file, but I don't know
which one.  Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?
Also, can someone tell me how to update the QSL manager list.  There are
quite a few QSO's in my log with an incorrect QSL manager and changing
it manually has no effect.  Apparently, DX4WIN uses whatever is in its
master qsl manager list and ignores it if you change it in the QSO entry
BTW, I am running DX4WIN version 5.03 if that matters.

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