Thanks to the guys who have already replied about this, based on the
comments (below), they have opened up a few more queries though....

I recommend you first copy your existing DX4WIN directory (and all
subdirectories) to the new machine.  THEN re-install DX4WIN in the same
This is needed to get the parallel port driver working properly.
I backup my SAVE directory on to a cd and second HD.
Make a new complete install off dx4win.
Than copy the save directory in the new installation off dx4win/save
Steve don't forget to copy the VICH11.sys file into Windows/system32 folder.
You should re-install DX4WIN on the XP machine then copy your key files from
the old PC.  The program chooses the correct parallel port driver based upon
the operating system, and maybe other drivers.

If you are not using the parallel port, it might be OK copying everything.
 Did not work for me.  Just coping did not do it because when you just
copy the program is not installed.  "Installation" is necessary to get the
program to be registered and run.

           The way I got it to play was to install and set up a XXXX log.
deleted the "save" folder and then copied in the complete old "save" folder.

           That worked for me but it might also be possible to import the
As the saying goes on this side of the Atlantic, "your mileage may vary".
I did something similar with TRLog and found that the copying onto CD
converted all the files to read-only.  This is readily reversible in
Windows Explorer but drove me nuts till I found it!

Questions of concern now....

IF files are some how converted to read-only in the copying process, how are
they reversed in Windows Explorer?


What's the issue with the VICH11.sys file?   Is that something important?



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