I'm a recent convert from 5.03 to 6.02 and I am noticing that frequently a 
station I need for a new band is only showing up as a Priority 8.  For 
example, 3B9C was just spotted on 80 meter SSB and I have never worked 3B9 
on 80 meters with any mode, yet it was displayed in the spot window as a 
Priority 8.  I have had similar problems with XF4IH.

Under Packet 1 preferences I have DX Alerts set to "Award band not 
conf".  I have 80 meters and SSB checked on both the Station and DXCC tabs, 
I have Prefix for spotters set to "K,VE" and the spots are from CONUS stations.

I am obviously doing something wrong, but I need help finding it.

73, Dick
Dick Flanagan K7VC NV SM

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