I noticed that the "Upload Date" used to record exports of QSOs for upload
to LOTW does not follow the date format conventions specified in the
Personal preferences tag. I have my dates formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. However,
the upload date on the QSO window shows as mm/dd/yyyy. It's not a major
problem, but it can be confusing, given that the QSO and upload dates are
displayed with different formats.

Richard Eckman
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue May 11 14:47:47 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ted Sarah - W8TTS)
Date: Tue May 11 14:49:00 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] DX4WIN Cty File
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Did that, and it dumped every one of my U.S. Island Custom Awards.  So, 
didn't use it, or even look at the other errors.  And, at that time 
didn't have time to really dig into it.

73 - Ted - W8TTS

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

> --- Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I just installed DX4WIN.603.  Using the new default DX4WIN.CTY
>> file, I get different DXCC band/country totals than I had in
>> version 6.02.  I then put my 6.02 DX4WIN.CTY file in the 6.03
>> "save" directory and the totals are now correct.
>> Is there any reason that I should go through the labor of figuring
>> out the cause of the disparity in 6.03 (and the fixes)?
> Yes Mark, two reasons:
> 1.  Satisfy your curiosity 2.  Help improve the database
> Please see my procedure on http://www.ad1c.com/dx4win/ which is where
> I keep the updated database.
> You will need to download the .ZIP file and extract "DX4WIN.OLD" into
> your DX4W603 "save" directory as "DX4WIN.CTY" in order to do the
> comparisson. Export your log from 6.02, import from 6.03, and note
> the errors.
> I can help you off-line if you get stuck.  I am only interested in
> differences which can be confirmed by a QSL card.
> 73 - Jim AD1C
> ===== Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA
> 01863 USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> http://www.ad1c.com PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193
> B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC _______________________________________________ 
> Dx4win mailing list Dx4win@mailman.qth.net 
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue May 11 14:50:09 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Tue May 11 14:51:21 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] DX4WIN Cty File

--- Ted Sarah - W8TTS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did that, and it dumped every one of my U.S. Island Custom Awards.  So, 
> didn't use it, or even look at the other errors.  And, at that time 
> didn't have time to really dig into it.

The instructions on my web page are meant to describe an experiment.  There is
no need to export/import in order to migrate your log from 6.02 to 6.03.  It is
merely a means for identifying differences in your log between the two country

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.com
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue May 11 14:56:22 2004
Date: Tue May 11 14:57:34 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] DX4WIN 6.03
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Upgrading from 6.02 to 6.03 dropped me from 167 to 157 
countries.  Something's wrong.  I'm headed back to 6.02 and will wait until 
things stabilize....


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