I am about to do my first install of DX4WIN.  My old program, WJ2O, has given
me good service over the years but is no longer supported and I like the
DX4WIN tracking.  I am looking forward to this on the same scale as a root
canal or a colonscopy.  A couple of questions please before I start:

1.  I have ver 6.02 on a CD registered to my old call, K6ACZ.  Since moving
to Las Vegas I changed my call to K7ACZ.  Will my new call effect the ver
6.03 install?

2.  Although I have ver 6.02 on the CD I have never installed it.  First,
fear of the unknown, waiting to purchase a new PC, then awaiting the release
of 6.03.1.  Should I install 6.02 from the CD first, then do an update to
6.03.1 before importing any QSO's from my old program (WJ2O), or should I
just download 6.03.1 and start it fresh?

3.  My WJ2O log is divided into about 50 categories by WJ2O code numbers for
major contests, my various operations from DU1 and DU6, and contacts made
under 3 different calls, KE6UP, K6ACZ, and K7ACZ.  I plan to transfer each
set of QSO's per category into DX4WIN separately using a different DX4WIN
group name for each category transfer.  Is this a good idea?

4.  I also purchased the DX4WIN User's Guide (Ver 6.0, Jan 2003) with my ver
6.02 CD.  Are there any revisions to the manual since it's release?  (Yes, I
will read it step by step during the install and set-up and hope to avoid any
dumb questions)

I know you guys just got back from Dayton and have a 100 other guys ahead of
me asking questions so no rush on getting back to me.  I have waited this
long to do the install, I can wait a little longer for your advise before I
screw something up.  I am also following all the ver 6.03 Q&A on the
Any help will be very much appreciated.


Steve Bookout wrote:

> Hello all,
> If you have 6.02, YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW KEY FOR VERSION 6.03!
> Use the one I sent you with 6.02.
> If you are lost as to where it may be, it is in your dx4w602 directory
> (C:\program files\dx4w602) and is called 'yourcall'.key.  Move it or copy
> it from that location to the dx4w603 directory (C:\program files\dx4w603)
> Once you move or copy it to the new location, the next time the program
> starts, it should come up fully licensed.
> Thanks for taking the time to read this.
> PS  Who's going to buy me a beer at Dayton?  Will be staying at the Crown
> Plaza downtown.
> 73 de Steve, NR4M

 Alan Zack
 Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
 Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
 Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
 U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
 Every hour, Every day, Around the Clock and Around the World

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