At 10:06 AM 11/24/2004, Bud Governale wrote:

>I lost all QSL manager addresses after updating to release 9 of DX4WIN 
>files. I followed the procedure for exporting/importing QSL manager data 
>and all
>QSL managers were successfully preserved but are blank for addresses. How 
>can I
>get them back so that I can print out labels for stored up unsent QSL's and
>preserve known good addresses? I suspect a missing step in the Country File
>update procedure is to also export/save/import QSL manager addresses.

The data is all in your original DX4WIN.CTY file.  Use that instead of the 
new one, export your data, PAY ATTENTION to where the data got exported to, 
then restore the new country file and import the saved manager data into it.

My web page describes this procedure:

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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