Supposing your log file is named "K9OR.dxl" you should find a file named
"K9OR.~xl" in the SAVE folder in DX4WIN.  This file can be renamed
"K9OR.dxl" and will have most of the log.  Of course one should back up the
.~xl file first somewhere else before renaming it.  All this assuming there
is not something else wrong with your program itself.  Also I back up the
log file every day or so to a ZIP drive depending on activity and change
the disc in it fairly often. I still keep a paper log with essential
details of contacts, still don't fully trust computers.

73, Jay W5SL

> [Original Message]
> From: Randy Brothers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: 10/3/2004 12:42:50 PM
> Subject: [Dx4win] Lost Log File
> After more than a year of no problems with DX4Win 6.02, some unknown
> occurred that wouldn't allow saving the logfile when I went to close it.
> I just killed the program.
> Now when I go to open my logfile, it says unknown type and Explorer shows
> with size 0.
> Is it gone forever or can it be recovered somehow?
> Thanks for any help,
> 73 Randy K9OR
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