I notice that my LOTW stats don't match my DX4WIN stats.

I have previously downloaded my "upload results", but
now I struggle in preparing a major submission.  Since the
LOTW doesn't seem to support rtf downloads and the
report is sorted by country name in LOTW, does anyone
have a good suggestion for preparing a submission?

Right now, I'm thinking I just let DX4WIN generate my
worst-case 1,000+ QSL submission, export that and
delete the rows that represent a LOTW "pending" QSL.
Then use LOTW to submit for the pending and the
added count of what DX4WIN says.  Then, let ARRL
sort things out on their end.  Not cheap, but removes the
risk of card losss, etc, from my end.

I don't see any way to change "Upload Confirmed" to Submitted
so I can do a multi-QSO change, and I can't get the related
filtering to work in updating large numbers of QSOs.

Any suggestions?

73, Byron

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